“I never doubted that. It’s just different—”You didn’t call.Thomas frowns, so I drop what I was going to say. “Come on, come through. You’ll have to wait by the door so I can make sure no one is naked.”
After the coast is clear, I lead Thomas through the labyrinth of dresses until we reach the private bathrooms at the back of the room, and when we’re inside, I lock the door.
Thomas’s eyes flash to the bolt before his throat bobs, sending a shiver from my shoulders to my toes. We’re here to fix my hand, but there’s an all too familiar tension in the room, and it’s impossible to ignore.
“So… this is where I work… this is what I do.” I bite the tip of my finger as I grimace, not sure how much he saw or what his reaction will be.
Thomas’s gaze moves back to mine as he raises a brow. “Rearrange faces?” he says with a blank expression, and I burst out laughing, more from nerves than anything else.
“While I’ll admit that’s not the first time I’ve punched a guy, there’s more to my job than that.” A sharp pang hits me as I think about Summer, but I’m pulled out of it when Thomas glares.
“How often does that happen?” he asks between clenched teeth, his protective side on full display.
“Thathasn’t happened before. I punched someone for a different reason a long time ago.”
I can tell my explanation does nothing to ease his mind, but he moves on, taking a step closer.
“Jokes aside, you’re a phenomenal dancer, Lainey. I couldn’t take my eyes off you.” My cheeks heat at the intensity of his gaze, and I have to fight not to outwardly react. “I’m happy you’re dancing again,” he adds, his deep voice penetrating my soul. “And I’m happy I got to see it.”
He starts humming the opening tune to “Young and Beautiful,” as I silently stare at him, my heart racing a million miles per hour, my mind whirring.
“Why are youhere?” I ask, curiosity getting the best of me.
Thomas sighs before stepping forward to brush a loose strand of hair away from my face. “I’m not going to lie to you again,” he says, his tone hesitant. “Luke wanted me to check this place out, but—”
“He what? I’m—”
Thomas presses his finger to my lip, his gaze locked on mine. “Yes, it was Luke who told me about this place, but if I’m being completely honest, I’m here because I miss you. And I want a second chance.”
Chapter Forty-Nine
Lainey stares at me as though I have no idea what I’m saying, and yet, I’ve never been more certain of anything in my life. Until I realize my mistake. “Or a third chance, I guess.”
I scrunch my face in apology, eliciting the smallest of smiles from Lainey before she shakes her head and steps back, her ass hitting the makeup counter behind her.
Her lips part as though she’s going to speak, but I cut her off. I’m not ready for her to tell me all the reasons why that shouldn’t happen, why it won’t work.
“We don’t have to talk about that now,” I rush out, waving my hand in the air. “First, we need to get you fixed up.”
I tentatively reach for her hand, and when she doesn’t pull away, I gently run my thumb over her knuckles. She hisses under her breath, but when I glance back at her beautiful face, she’s the picture of ease.
“You don’t have to be strong if it hurts, you know. You punched a guy in the nose.” I offer her a small smile, while inside my anger continues to simmer.
Seeing that guy touch Lainey triggered a rage in me that I haven’t felt in years. Not since the last guy tried to hurt her. If she hadn’t stopped me, I was fully prepared to destroy him. To risk everything to make sure he paid for what he’d done. I’dbeen there before; I was more than willing to do it again.For her.
But seeing her hurting… that triggered a whole new feeling in me. One that was more important. One that told me I needed to stay by her side because I wouldn’t get many more opportunities to prove myself. To show her that I’m there for her. That her needs come first.
I know there are lots of things working against us—things we’ve already discussed, things we’ve been dancing around. And while I want to say fuck it, to beg her to forget all our reasons and just concentrate on the here and now, I don’t want to hurt her again, and until we talk, there’s a good chance that will happen
“As I said, that doesn’t happen often, the inappropriate behavior I mean.” Lainey’s gaze drops as she speaks, her eyes locked on her hand resting in my palm. “Still, I should have explained what you’d be faced with before you came. I’m sorry. You deserved a heads-up.”
“Don’t be sorry, because I’m not.” I lift her chin, forcing her to face me. “If I’d known what I was walking into, Luke’s assumptions aside, I probably would have come with some preconceived notions about how I’d feel… And I canguaranteeI would have been wrong.”
Lainey frowns.She doesn’t get it.
“What I mean is that I would have arrived full of jealousy and maybe even a little bit ragey. But seeing you up there… Watching youdancewas…was… Lainey, it’s beyond words. Mind-blowing. Eye-opening. One of those rare moments in life that I hope never leaves my memory.” I pause when her eyes widen, and while I’d love to tell her exactly how I feel at this moment, I want to keep the focus on her. “And then youpunched a guy…” I trail off as I laugh, loving the way the edge of her lips curl into a smile.