I thank my dance partner, just like Thomas did, and step away, searching for him in the crowd. But before I can find him, a new guy cups my waist from behind, stopping my movement, ready for what he thinks is his turn.
“Sorry.” I look over my shoulder, smiling apologetically. “I’ve already promised a dance to someone else and—”
“They can wait.” He pulls me back as I step forward, and our bouncers take notice. My friend Tyler is the first to move in our direction, but I subtly shake my head. I don’t want to cause a scene. It’s never good for business.
“I can dance with you later,” I say, keeping my tone light. “Right now—”
He reaches around me, cutting me off as he runs his palm up my body toward my breast, squeezing tightly as his lips hover against my ear, his other hand slipping beneath my dress. “I said, they can wait.”
My muscles tense as I spring away, bumping into a body beside me. After a rushed apology, I spin around and clench my fist before rearing my hand back and slamming it into his nose. “Don’t touch me,” I seethe, stepping back while he’s momentarily stunned.
“What the fuck?” he yells after a beat, grabbing his face in one hand as he reaches for me with the other, his fist curling around the silk of my dress just as six guys close in on him. Two of our bouncers, three regular clients…and Thomas.
Quickly moving aside, I let most of the guys do their thing, but when it comes to Thomas, I grip his shirt, pulling him to a stop, holding strong in case he tries to keep moving. “Please don’t. It’s not worth it.”
“Let go of me, Lainey,” he grits out between clenched teeth. “He’s a dead man.”
“No.” I stand firm.
“Then, I’m sorry.” He easily twists himself free and takes another step, but I don’t let him get far, wrapping my arms around him from behind, linking my fingers so he’s forced to take me with him. “Thomas,please.”
“Lainey.” His voice is strained, telling me he’s struggling, but I refuse to let go. I won’t let him risk his career before he’s even played a single game with his new team.
With pleading eyes, he looks over his shoulder to protest again just as a sharp pain registers in my knuckles, making me nauseous.
I release my grip and step back, taking in a gulp of air as my eyes clench shut. “I…I don’t feel so good,” I say as the throbbing increases.
Sucking in a deep breath, I open my eyes again and find Thomas’s wide gaze frantically searching my body, checking for anything he may have missed.
“He didn’t hurt me,” I say, grabbing his hand. “I did it to myself.” I raise my fist to show him the damage and bite my lip as I cringe. Thomas opens his mouth to speak, but before he has the chance to say anything, Shauna rushes over, pulling me into a hug.
“Not only have I just discovered you’re one hell of a dancer, but you’ve got one hell of a right hook too.” She lifts my hand, and I giggle until she frowns. “Are you okay? He’s barred for life.”
We have one rule here at the club, and that is to ask permission before touching. That goes for clients and dancers. I can’t just walk up to a guy and grab his junk either; it would get me fired.
Having said that, punching a guy is also frowned upon, but judging by the number of people that came to my aid, I’m hoping I have plenty of witnesses and won’t need to explain myself.
“Tyler told me what happened,” Shauna continues after I nod, proving my point. “You should head home.”
“What? No.”I’m not letting him win. “I’m fine. I’ll clean this up and be back on the dance floor before you know it.”
She smiles as her eyes flash to Thomas. “Okay, but if you feel shitty, you’re welcome to leave early. Although, maybe this beauty here can look after you?” She reaches out to take Thomas’s hand, but he’s not even remotely focused on our conversation, his eyes on the security team as they escort the man out. “We haven’t met,” Shauna says, finally getting his attention.
“Shauna, this is Thomas,” I introduce them. “He’s a longtime friend.”
Shauna’s brow rises before she hides it. “Good. I’m glad. I’ll feel better knowing there’s an extra set of eyes to look out for you tonight. It’s lovely to meet you, Thomas.”
Thomas nods and she turns to walk away, but I call out to stop her. “I don’t need looking after.”
Shauna laughs as Thomas bites back a smirk, making me frown. “Oh, trust me, honey,” she says, looking back at Thomas. “We know.”
After Shauna moves out of sight, Thomas gently clasps my hand, lifting it to his face to scrutinize my wound. “We really need to get this cleaned up,” he says, his eyes flashing toward the exit, his body deflating when he finds the man gone. “Come on, lead the way.”
As we walk through the crowd, I force myself to ignore the attention Thomas receives, and when we reach the back door, I grimace. “Technically, you’re not allowed in here,” I say with a wince. “I’ll have to ask one of the team to help.”
I gesture to Tyler, and Thomas stiffens before his face contorts. “Nope. Are there any bathrooms I can take you to instead?” His gaze bounces around the area, but he’s not going to find anything. The bathrooms are all inside or backwhere we came from. “I was fine with the dancing,” he says when his search comes up empty. “Andthe flirting…because I understood it for what it was. Your job. But I draw the line here. I’m going to be the one taking care of you, and—”
He stops his rant when my eyes widen, and a small smile pulls at his lips. “You’re looking at me like that surprises you, and yet, you just held me back from beating the shit out of that guy.I care.” His fists clench, making me bite back a grin.