Page 120 of A Sky Full Of Stars

“You sound happy, Lainey. Every time I speak to you I hear the change in your voice. I know I wasn’t sure about this trip to begin with, but it’s definitely been for the best. How long do you have left?”

“Two weeks. This one’s only twelve weeks long.”

“Two weeks! But you’re traveling after that, right? Or signing on to another project?” Her tone changes and the smile in her voice disappears.Does she want me home?

“I was planning to travel, but they’ve asked me if I’m interested in staying on—”

“You should stay on,” she cuts in. “You love it there.”

Okay…she doesn’t want me home; she wants me to stay?

“Is everything okay?” I ask cautiously, not sure I want the answer.

“Of course, why wouldn’t it be? Oh! Luke’s here. He’s trying to take the phone.”

“Mom, what—”

“Princess Peach, how are you?” Luke comes onto the line.

If Mom wasn’t hiding something, she would have scolded Luke for interrupting her call like that. She wanted to get off the phone. The question is…why?

“Why are you home?” I ask, trying not to think about it. “Did Mom call during the actual celebrations?”

“She did.” Luke chuckles and I can’t help but laugh in return.

“Poor Dad.”

“He’s fine. I think he may even be asleep on the couch.”

“Sounds like Dad.” I laugh again. “So, what’s news? Do you miss me?” I call Luke every time I call the rest of my family, but he doesn’t answer nearly as often, so we don’t talk as much.

“Never,” he jokes. “I’m getting so much more attention without you here. You should stay away longer.”

“Shut up. You’ve always had the most attention.” Luke clears his throat. “Okay, you’ve always had more than me, anyway. We both know Ryan’s the favorite right now,” I add.

Luke laughs again, but he cuts it off quickly. “Jokes aside, you are definitely better off over there. Maybe I’ll come and meet you when you travel. You’ll still be away for a while, right?”

“That’s right.”

“Good. Perfect. I can probably travel in the offseason next year if that suits you?”

Next year?Why do I feel like no one wants me home? “What’s going on?”

“What? Nothing.”


“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Lainey.”

While I can practically picture him rolling his eyes as though I’m exaggerating, he called me Lainey, essentially outing himself. “Why don’t you want me to come home?”

“I don’t—”

“Luke, cut it the fuck out and tell me.”

A silence falls around me, and I quickly check to make sure I’m the only one in the office, and thankfully I am.

The silence remains for another beat before Luke groans. “Jaiton’s under a bit of fire at the moment, and it’s better if you don’t have to think about it.”