Page 114 of A Sky Full Of Stars

“I’m an idiot. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have pushed you away like that. Truth is, I wish I didn’t care what your brother thinks…but I do. This,” I say, motioning between us, “means a lot to me, but we’re on a time limit. I don’t want you to ruin things with Luke before you leave. If you’re apart, the cracks will deepen.” My eyes flash to the stairs, and Lainey scoffs.

“He’s not here. You’re worried for nothing.”

While that’s a relief, the issue still remains. “Lainey…”

“No. It doesn’t matter what my brother thinks. This isn’t about him.”

She’s right, but… “What if he loses it? What if it affects your relationship?”

“I don’t care.”

“Ido.” I point to myself. “Icare. I can’t be the reason things fuck up between you. And I know you care, or you would have told him already. Thisisn’tworth it.” Lainey’s eyes widen before she schools her features.Fuck. “Wait, I didn’t meanyouweren’t worth it, I—”

“I get it and you’re right; I shouldn’t be here. Luke could walk in at any moment. Let’s talk tomorrow. When you’re sober.”

“I’m fine.”

“You’renotfine. You arefarfrom fine. Go back to bed. We’ll talk tomorrow.”

She walks outside, leaving me completely stunned, and when the door clicks shut, it hits me as to why. I don’t think she was talking about me at this moment. Something tells me she’s talking in general. And fuck, I hate that she’s right.

I’m not sure how long I stand, eyes locked on the door, with my hands in my hair, but when I turn around, Nate’s there, along with one of my old teammates, Jack, both staring my way.

“Shit, where did you come from?”

“The stairs. You know the sound from the entry travels straight up to my room.”

“Fuck.” I wince. “I’m sorry.”

Jack shrugs and walks away, while Nate smiles sympathetically.

“Don’t be sorry.” He shakes his head. “We couldn’t hear anything specific, but when I heard footsteps outside my door, I jumped up to make sure Lainey had gone if Jack was going downstairs. I was still wide awake after dragging your drunk ass inside.”

Jesus. I wince again. “Sorry about that too. Are you sure he didn’t—”

“I’m sure. He was practically sleepwalking.”

“Okay. Good.” I breathe out a sigh of relief. “But that was close. I need a drink.” I move to step around Nate, but he throws his arm out to stop me.



“Is drinking really a good idea?” he asks, hitting me with a questioning look that screams guidance counselor asking me to make my own choices. He’ll be a good teacher one day.

My thoughts make me chuckle as I step out of his grasp. “I just need something to stop the head thumping. Hair of the dog… It works every time.”


“Bullshit? Why do you care what I do?”

“I don’t care what you do. If you want to fuck up your own life, that’s fine. After all, ‘you don’t have a problem.’” He throws my words back at me. “But Idocare about Lainey.”

My eyes narrow as a nauseous feeling settles in my stomach. “Since when did you get to know Lainey?” I snap, and I’m not ashamed to admit it stems from jealousy. I didn’t know they hadanykind of relationship.

Nate shakes his head, but his expression stays fairly neutral. “I barely know her, other than a few minor interactions, but that’s not the point. The pointisyou shouldn’t be messing with her.”

“For Luke’s sake?”