Page 105 of A Sky Full Of Stars

And now that it’s happening, I’m torn because I don’t have much time left with Lainey.

“I’ll call her back later,” I say after a beat. “We’ve only got a few hours before you start work.”

Lainey’s face softens and she briefly smiles as she reaches for my hand. “Thomas. This is important. You’ve been waiting for this.”

“I know, but—”

“I’ll go for a walk. That way you can call her back in privacy, and I’ll be here when you’re done.”

“We’re in the middle of nowhere, Lainey. You’re not going for a walk on your own.”

“Then, I’ll sit in the truck.”

“How about I text her and let her know I’ll call her back?”

Lainey’s right. I have been waiting for this call for so long, it’s taken over my life. But I don’t think I’m ready for it. Not here. Not now.

And I don’t want to lose this time with Lainey.

I start typing before Lainey answers, but she grabs my hand to still me.

“Please call her. I’ll stay where you can see me.”

Without waiting for a response, she drops from the hood and walks over to a log before sitting down. When she’s comfortable, she gives me a wave and gestures with her hand to her ear for me to use the phone.

I don’t like her being far away, but it doesn’t look like she’s going to let it go, so the sooner I call the better.

My heart races as my finger hovers over the button, and when I finally click call, an anxious feeling tightens my chest.

I’m still as the phone rings, but when Summer’s voice comes through, I sit tall.


“Hey Sum.”

“Hi. Dylan mentioned you might be in town. Are you still around?”

“Yeah, I’m here.”

“I know I’ve made you wait.” She pauses and it feels like a lifetime before she continues. “But if you have time, I’d love to talk.” She doesn’t apologize, and I kind of like that. Yes, she’s been tearing me apart with her silence, but that’s nothing compared to what I did to her.

“Name a time and place and I’ll be there.”

“Dinner? At my apartment?”

“Dinner sounds perfect. Does six work?”

“Yes, thank you. That works.”

It’s awkward between us, but I can’t say I expected anything more. It’s tonight’s dinner that really matters.

“I’ll see you soon. And Summer… Thank you.”

“Bye, Thomas.”

Lainey walks over as soon as I hang up, and I huff out a laugh. “How much did you hear?”

“All of it.” She grimaces. “I’m sorry.”