As I stare her down, I try to keep a straight face, but her mocking laughter is infectious and it’s a struggle. “Ugh, fine,” I say through clenched teeth, holding back my smile. “I’d sing.”
“What?” Lainey’s jaw drops as she finally turns my way. “Are you sure?”
“Why wouldn’t I be sure?”
“It’s just… Never mind.”
Lifting up, I hover above her with my hand on her side, armed ready to tickle. “Why wouldn’t I be sure?”
Lainey’s narrow gaze meets mine as she tilts her head to the side. “Don’t eventhinkabout it.”
“Or what?”
“I’ll squeal.”
“I’m willing to take that risk.” I lean forward until I’m barely an inch from her ear. “No one can hear you out here,” I whisper.
Lainey sucks in a breath just as I begin my tickling attack, making her burst out laughing. She thrashes around beneath me, but never once squeals or tells me to stop.
“You hustler. You like tickles, don’t you?”
“Maybe a little.” She laughs again before biting her lip, drawing my attention to her beautiful mouth.
“I could listen to you laugh all day.”
“Oh yeah?” she asks as her giggles slow down.
“Yeah.” I brush some pink strands away from her face, staring into her beautiful dark eyes, trying to see through the laughterto what’s hidden behind it. She says she’s fine, but I know there’s something more going on, something deeper that she’s not telling me. Not telling anyone.
“My turn,” I whisper, coming up with an idea.
“Okay, go.” She smiles, but she must see something in my expression that has her brows furrowing.
“Would you rather…share your deepest, darkest secret. With me. Or perform one of your old dance routines?” It’s an asshole question, but before she completely freaks out I add, “a routine from your childhood,” so she knows I don’t mean she has to perform something from Jaiton.
She visibly relaxes before her lips curl into a cute little frown. “If I had to answer…”
“That was the deal, yes.” I suppress my smile.
“Okay.” She blows out a raspberry. “I’ll choose—”
My phone rings, cutting her off, and it’s then that Lainey releases a squeal. “Saved by the bell.”
“No chance.” I laugh. “If you pass it over, I’ll silence it.”
“What if it’s important?”
“Thisis important.” I motion between the two of us.
Lainey rolls her eyes before shuffling around to grab my cell. She glances at the screen as she passes it my way and freezes with her hand in the air. “You have to take this.”
“No, I don’t.” I chuckle. She’s trying to distract me. “You are not getting out of it.”
“It’s Summer.”
The phone stops ringing, and a silence fills the air as the world around me stills.
Summer hasn’t called me once. She’s never made the first move.