“Then the glitter came, and I wondered if I'd ever see out of this eye again.” He points at his left eye. “No amount of blinking or rubbing would get the shit out. Pretty sure Miss Susan thinks I was winking and flirting with her, so be prepared for that conversation at your next class.”
And I'm back to laughing.
“And then…” he cries loudly, throwing his arms in the air. “Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, the ballet gods had a real good laugh at my expense and they played hop little bunnies…” Lowering his voice, he whispers, “And let me tell you, sweetheart, my bunny was hopping.”
I press my lips together and let out the most unlady-like snort. My body vibrating as I silently laugh.
He rolls his eyes at my reaction. “Well, I'm glad you find it funny. I’m surprised I wasn't arrested for indecent exposure.” He’s so serious that it makes me laugh, harder.
“Jack… I’m…” I can't get my words out. Tears are rolling down my cheeks. God, I haven't laughed like this in months. I close my eyes and take a moment to pull myself together. When I open them again, he's staring at me, wearing a wry smile.
“What's that look for?” I ask, wiping my eyes with my fingertips, questioning what's got him looking at me like I am the best part of his day.
“I love to see you laugh like that.” And there he goes again. Melting my heart.
I get up from the kitchen stool and walk towards him, slinking my arms around his waist, pressing myself against him. He's so much taller than me that I have to crane my neck to meet his gaze. I inhale his manly musk scent and press my nose into his chest.
“Thank you… thank you for doing that for Lexi.” And without realizing I place a light kiss to his chest.
“Ri, I know I'm ranting but the truth is... I'd do anything for you and your girls. Glitter, bunny hopping, anything.” I lift my head to look at him. We don't say anything, we don't move, and I don't even think either of us is breathing. The air shifts between us and no words are needed. We are saying everything without saying anything, which seems to be how me and Jack communicate when we want to admit how we feel about each other.
I wet my lips and my top teeth sink into my bottom lip. Jack clears his throat. The tension between us is suffocating. I close my eyes as if it will help me find the words or give me the ability to move. And then I feel it; his lips meeting mine. It's soft and gentle. Not like our previous kisses.
I open my mouth, inviting his tongue to meet mine. Our tongues intertwine and his hands come up to the back of my head and gently fist a handful of my hair, pulling me closer, deepening our kiss.
Sparks of pleasure shoot up and down my spine under his touch and my hands move on their own accord, stroking up and down his broad back and then up to his hair. His free hand travels to my ass, squeezing it ever so gently. His touch causes flutters in my chest.
I pull back ever so gently, planting one chaste kiss before I break the kiss completely. His hands find their way to my cheeks as his thumbs smooth over my bottom lip and he kisses my forehead.
We stand like that for what feels like hours. Not speaking, not looking at one another, just standing there in each other's arms, trying to process what that kiss meant. That wasn't just a kiss. It wasthekiss. The kiss that radiates through your entire body and makes your toes tingle. The one that gives you that fluttering feeling in the pit of your stomach. It wasn't rushed, it wasn't frantic. It was slow, soft and full of passion and so much meaning. I’m scared as hell to want him like this but yet here I am, wanting him anyway.
“I really don't want to go away for work next week,” he says, pressing his forehead to mine.
“You're going away?” A knot tightens in my stomach at the idea of not seeing him.
“Yeah, back to Miami. We’ve got stuff to sort at the club. I've been meaning to tell you, but I didn't want you to think I was leaving you.”
“No, Jack, I totally understand. It’s for work. I get it”
“I’m going to hate being away from you.”
“Me too.” I really am going to miss him.
Chapter Twenty-Two
It's been weeks since the ballet class from hell and I think I've only just got all the glitter out of my eye. If you want to see a grown man physically roll around on the floor and nearly piss his pants laughing, just tell Harry you had to partake in a four-year-olds ballet class and everyone saw your dick swinging in your pants and one of the horny moms nearly mounted you in the parking lot.
“Bro, you must know that gray sweats are like crack to women,” he howls.
“No… believe it or not, I didn't, but I won't be wearing them again unless it’s in front of Ria.”
“Dude, you got it bad if you are taking ballet,” he taunts.
I don’t comment. Just swirl the golden liquid in my tumbler and smile. Thinking of her.
I told them about the kiss with Ria and we unanimously agreed I am indeed pussy whipped. I need to tell Ria how I feel but I need to find the perfect time and way to tell her. The timing isn't right though. I need to be home and see her, be with her, because I think she feels the same way, and I want to see the look on her face when I tell her and make sure she knows she’s allowed to grab her own happiness.