Hey Ri, have you left the club?
Ali – 4.04 am
Ri, I've tried calling you, answer the phone, where are you??
Gabby – 4.10 am
Ri, we are starting to panic now. We don't want to worry Anne by calling her. Just let us know if you have gone there to stay with the girls. We love you. xx
Gabby – 4.13 am
Ri, I’m really worrying now, please answer your phone!! xxxx
Ali – 4.20 am
Bitch, answer your phone!!!! I am this close to filing a missing persons report, me and Gabs are freaking out. ANSWER YOUR PHONE
God, I am the worst friend ever. Whilst I am getting the best orgasm of my life my friends are freaking out thinking I've been abducted.
Ali – 4.46 am
BITCH I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU AND MAD AT YOU. I called Nancy to try and get Brad and Harry's number. I called Jack and no answer. Harry thought I was calling him for a booty call WTF!! He wishes. He said he's got an opening on his roster, whatever the fuck that means. The guy is a prick, BUT he told mehe's checked the club security and you are still at the club with Jack * winking emoji* GET IT GIRL!!!!!
Ali – 4.49 am
p.s still pissed you made us worry and that Harry now has my number. He's already texted me AGAIN telling me he’s free for a booty call. YOU OWE ME GIRL. Now I need a new number.
Gabby – 4.50 am
Ri, we've been so worried but get it girl!!! Need all the details in the morning and don’t lie. Ali, we all know you want to join Harry's roster.
I cover my face with my hands, not wanting to think about what Harry saw. “There's a camera?” I shout, spinning round to look at Jack, who sat up scrolling his phone and rubbing a hand down his face.
“Uhh, yeah. Don't worry, he couldn't see anything. Haz told me Ali called him looking for you and for a 4 am booty call.”
I laugh. “He wishes.”
I open the message from Anne.
Anne – 8.54 am
Good morning, my girl. I hope your shift went well. Lexi slept in till 8, which was much appreciated. Poor Elle was suffering with her teeth in the night. She’s woken up a little warm, so I have given her some Tylenol and she seems to be feeling better. I hope it's not another ear infection brewing for the poor baby. No rush to pick them up, they are in safe hands. See you later, Anne xxx
Anxiety floods my body, my stomach churning with worry. Shit, I’m a terrible person. My friends have been worried, my poor baby is sick, and I've been curled up with Jack getting finger banged on his couch.
I should have had more willpower to resist him. I should have driven to Ali and Gabby's and then gone to Anne’s first thing to be with my girls. I don't get to be selfish. I'm a mom. I need to be with my kids, not getting off on my boss’s couch. I throw my phone into my purse and search for my underwear.
“I need to go,” I snap without looking at him.
He rises from the couch and walks towards me. “Hey, what's wrong? Aren't we gonna talk about what happened?” His eyes scan my face.
“No, Jack. I don't have time right now. I have places to be.” My tone is sterner than I meant it to be.
“Wait, Ri, just take a breath and sit down.” Knowing Jack, he can sense my panic and my growing anxiety, but my head is spinning. I need to get out of here and get to my girls. Last night shouldn't have happened, I know it shouldn't, but the way he looked at me, the way he touched me, is the way all women want a man to look at them, isn’t it? Even the strongest woman would have snapped.
“Elle, she's sick. I need to get to her,” I say, pulling on my underwear so fast I'm surprised I don't rip it. “Where the hell are my shoes?” I groan, looking round the room, avoiding eye contact with him. I don't get to be selfish and carefree. My girls are my number one priority. It's bad enough their dad doesn't put them first. I'll be damned if they ever feel like second best because of how I choose to live my life.
“Shit, Ri, I hope she's alright. They are over there.” He points to my shoes by the door. “Let me get them.”