Page 115 of Broken Empire

“Don’tapologize sweetheart.Youdidn’t do anything wrong.Ilove you andI’malways going to, because you’re always going to be my baby girl,” he tells me, before placing a kiss to my forehead.

“So, are we good?”Iask.

“Absolutelybaby girl.Nowyou might want to go back over there soMasoncan get those damn abandoned puppy dog looks off his face,”Dadsays, chuckling, and whenIlook over atMason,Ican’t help but chuckle too because that’s exactly what he looks like.

IgiveDada kiss on the cheek before walking back over toMase.Assoon asI’mwithin touching distance, he pulls me to him andIhave no choice but to get back on the bed next to him.

Amoment later,Cartercomes into the room with breakfast forMasonand me.Mystomach grumbles very loudly whenIsmell the food and everyone chuckles as my face turns red from embarrassment.

“Hey, it’s not me.It’syour damn kids!”Igrumble.

“Mykids.Ilove the sound of that,” the ass says, chuckling.

Aboutan hour later after we’ve finished eating and we’re all just chilling, the doctor comes in and checksMason’schart.Hesays that everything looks good and the pills are completely flushed out of his system and that he’s cleared to go home.

Ihelp him get dressed with the clothes thatHunterandGrayhad the insight to bring because clearly,I’mstill not thinking straight.Ikeep hovering becauseI’mscared that he’s going to collapse or something.

“Relax, baby.Quitworrying.I’mfine,” he tells me as he pulls me into him, his arms coming up to wrap around me.Ilet out a deep breath asIcling to him with my face in his chest for a moment.

Hethrows his arm around my shoulders as we walk out of the room following behind everyone.Wemake it to the car and get in the back withHunterandGrayin the front.Theothers take the other car as we finally head for home and we hold hands the entire way.

Oncewe stop in the driveway in front of the door,Iget out first and go to help him get out but he stops me with a cheeky smile.

“I’mfine, baby.AndIshould be the one taking care of you, not the other way around.Imean you are carrying my babies in there,” he says, running his hand along my stomach.

“Butyou’re hurt.”

“Notanymore, now that you’re here,” he tells me, pulling me in for a kiss.

Whenhe pulls away, he grabs my hand and we walk into our home.There’sa flurry of activity as the maids rush around, letting us know that lunch is ready on the deck upstairs.Royce,Nate, andBeckwalk out of the living room and they all give both of us a hug.

“I’mglad to see you two finally together again,”Roycesays withNateandBeckagreeing.

“Whereare the girls?”Iask.

IknowIhaven’t spoken to them since the last time everything went down atRavenwoodUandIdidn’t let them know whenIfirst came back becauseIjust needed some space.Istill don’t know whatI’mgoing to do where those relationships are concerned butIjust thoughtI’dask to be polite.

“Theyaren’t inRavenwoodat the moment.Butwe’ll talk about it all later.Iwant you guys to enjoy your homecoming,”Natetells me andInod my head.

Weall head up to the deck andImake sureMasoneats while he makes sureIdo the same, it’s kind of funny when my brother loudly gags at us in a playful way.Ijust smile at him.

“Yourturn will come at some point brother,”Itell him.

“Nope.Idon’t think so,” he laughs.

InoticeGraysitting alone on one of the couches andIwalk over to sit next to him.Helooks like something is bothering him soIpull him in for a hug. “Iseverything okay, bro?”

“That’sthe first time you’ve called me bro, pain in the ass,” he laughs as he turns to look at me.

“Wellaccording to your brother we’re legally married.Stillnot completely clear on how he pulled that off but make sure to let him know thatIstill want my wedding.So, that absolutely makes you my brother now.WhoknewI’dgo from being an only child to having three brothers?”Ichuckle.

“Welldon’t worry, you have three brothers now to kick his ass when he’s annoying you,”Graylaughs. “AndI’mgood.I’mhappy that you two are together again.”

“Ilove you,”

“Ilove you too,” he says, kissing my forehead.

“AndIlove you two too,”Masonsays, plopping down next to me. “Anddon’t worry, pain in the ass, you’re going to get your dream wedding whenever you’re ready.”