Page 102 of Broken Empire

I’vejust taken a sip of the juice and placed it back on the island counter whenIfeel strong arms wrap around me in a bear hug from behind.Iget a kiss to the side of my head before the person pulls away and stands back up.WhenIturn around,Isee my brother standing there with a cheeky smile on his face.

“Whatare you doing here?”Igrumble.

“Ah, come on.Don’tbe like that, sis.Aren’tyou happy to see me?”


“Well, that’s just rude, especially whenI—we’ve—all missed you so much,”Huntertells me, andIroll my eyes at him.

“Ifyou didn’t want to miss me, then you all shouldn’t have been such assholes and done all the shit you guys did.”Ihuff.

“I’msorry, sis.Wehad no other choice at the time.Didyou see the news?” he questions.Ilet out a sigh becauseIdon’t really want to fight with him.I’vemissed him too.Hell,I’vemissed them all, even my dad ifIwas being honest.


“AlisterandEmiliaare both dead…”I’movercome with emotions at his words.It’slike a ton of weight has been lifted off me.Ididn’t realize thatIwas still kind of waiting for the other shoe to drop where those two were concerned and nowIdon’t have to be afraid anymore.


“Theywere killed in jail,” he tells me andIlook around at them all.

“Didyou guys have anything to do with that?”Iask the entire room.Noone answers but come on,I’mnot stupid.Adelaideis the head of theMafia.Theseguys are assassins, and who the hell knows whatHunterdoes.IknowMasonhas already killed for me, so really it could be any one of them. “Thankyou.”

Ithank them all the same even if they never let me in on the truth, whichIalready know deep down.Becauseof them,Ican now breathe easier and not have to look over my shoulders anymore.

Hunterhugs me again and then whispers in my ear, “You’rewelcome.Nowlet’s get out of here.You’respending the day with me and we are going to do something together.I’vemissed my annoying sister andI’mnot taking no for an answer.”

“Geez.Whydo you always have to boss me around?”

“BecauseI’molder,” he says, sticking his tongue out at me like a child.

“IguessI’llsee you guys later.Thisone has plans for us,”ItellAdelaideand the guys.

“Havefun!” they all reply simultaneously.

Wewalk out of the house andHunterhelps me into his car.Ourfirst stop for the day is at the movies andIget popcorn with lots of butter.Hell,Ican’t remember the last timeIwent to the movies or even had popcorn.Wewatch a new horror movie that’s showing, and it’s the most funI’vehad in a while.

Afterthe movie, we walk around the streets ofLondonand look at all the shops and people as we go.Weeven try some of the street food places.It’sso yummy thatImake a note to return at some point whileI’minLondon.

It’slate afternoon by the time we end up reaching one of the beaches.Itake my shoes off and walk onto the sand withHunterfollowing behind me.Ican’t remember the last timeIdid something as simple as walk on the freaking beach.

Howthe fuck did life become so complicated thatImissed out on so much?Thinkingabout that has me feeling a bit sad butIvow to start doing the thingsIhaven’t been able to because assholes were after me.Nowthat they no longer exist in this world,I’mfree to just be, after a very long time.

Afterwalking for a while,Itake a seat on the sand andHuntersits as well.Hemoves closer to me andIrest my head on his shoulder as he wraps an arm around me.Westare out at the ocean for a while before he finally breaks the silence between us.

“Howare you really doing?”

“Gettingthere.Itstill feels like it’s hard to breathe sometimes, but it’s getting a little easierIthink,”Itell him.

“Didyou find what you were looking for by coming here?”

“Honestly,Idon’t even know ifIwas looking for anything or ifIwas just running…”

“I’vemissed you.Thehouse hasn’t been the same since you’ve been gone.”

“Imissed you too.Andeveryone else as well.Howhave they been doing?”

“DadandGraysonhave been moping around a lot.I’mnot the only one who notices the house isn’t the same without your annoying ass in it.AndMason…”