Page 92 of Only Trick

“Oh my gosh, no way. You’ll both stay here. We have a spare bed and a very comfy sofa.”

If they can shake the vision of my naked ass bent over it.

“You’re newlyweds, we wouldn’t dream—”

“I’m not taking no for an answer.” I stand. “Let’s go inform the gay guys.”

Tamsen giggles and stands. “I already love you, Darby. We’re going to be very good friends.”

I smile and head to the stairs before the emotions rack my body. I’m sure Tamsen has a million friends. With her kind demeanor and glowing smile, I don’t know how she couldn’t. What she doesn’t know is she’s my second official friend ever; and I’m just speechless.


The sound of Trick and Grady laughing about something as we walk downstairs swells my heart. I love the sound of Trick laughing. Maybe because he shares it with such reservation to a very small and exclusive few people.

“Darby!” Grady stands, arresting me with a breathtaking hug. “I want to hate you for taking my boy, but I just can’t.”

Tamsen walks past us with an I-told-you look.

“Please forgive us for the intrusion.”

I stiffen. “It’s fine. Just forget about it … as in really forget about it.”

Grady chuckles. “Forget … never, but my lips are officially sealed.” He releases me, kissing both cheeks.

Trick smirks, reclined on the sofa with one ankle resting on the opposing knee. “Wife.”

I squint my eyes and shake my head. We were minutes away from having the shortest marriage ever after this morning’s incidents. But one look and I’m his again … I always was.

“Husband.” I plop on his lap as he uncrosses his legs.

As if we’re the only two people in the room, his hands dive into my hair, pulling me in for a slow, deep kiss. It’s his reminder that while he may not own me, he will always possess me.

“Forgive me?” he whispers over my lips while releasing me.

“Eventually.” I grin.

We look over at two sets of eyes looking at us with such adoration it makes me want to freeze this moment, this feeling, in time forever.

“Damn!” Grady shakes his head. “I can’t believe we missed the wedding by a day.”

“It wasn’t a wedding. It was a marriage ceremony.” I grin, batting my lashes at Trick.

“What?” Tamsen asks with confusion etched on her face.

“We met one of our neighbors yesterday morning, a young surfer. He was being friendly, neighborly, and that’s when Trick announced we were getting married … that day. Then he proceeded to plan the ‘ceremony’ with said neighbor right in front of me.”

“Way to claim your woman.” Grady winks at Trick.

“Way to be an ass.” Tamsen elbows Grady in the gut while scowling at Trick. “No wonder we weren’t invited or that neither of you are wearing rings. Let me guess … your neighbor looked at Darby like she’s the beautiful woman that she is and you couldn’t waste another day before claiming her … marking her like an animal.”

“I didn’t treat her like an animal.” Trick sighs with a slight shake of his head.

“Well, you did have her tied to the—”

“Grady!” both Trick and Tamsen yell.

Grady shrugs. “Well you did.”

“Are you drawing?” Tamsen asks. She’s taking the spotlight off me and visions of my tethered naked body.

“Not yet, but I’m going to start again. Darby swears my work is worth thousands of dollars, so I figure it’ll pay the rent.”

Grady laughs. “As I recall, you were paid quite well at your last job. You can’t possibly be hurting for money already.”

“No, but Darby insisted on furnishing the joint as soon as we moved in and that wasn’t cheap.”

My jaw unhinges, eyes bulging from my head. “I tried to pay for everything but you wouldn’t let me!”

A lip twitch. Ass!

My eyelids tighten to a squint. “You’re sadistic. You play me all the time. I’m in limbo between bruising your ego and stepping on your toes. Either I’m flaunting my money or taking advantage of you.”

“Did you have her sign a prenup?” Grady makes a serious face but I see wicked delight dancing in his eyes.

“Nope. My bad. She’s already threatened to divorce me and I’m sure she’ll take my Ducati and my computer with my video surveillance recordings.”

I borrow Tamsen’s move and shove my elbow into Trick’s gut. He feigns injury.

“Tamsen and I are having a slumber party tonight in my bedroom while you two boys flip for the sofa and spare bedroom.”

Tamsen stands and leans in for a fist bump. “Word, girlfriend.”

“Since when are we staying here?” Grady asks.

“Since Darby insisted we stay with them.”

“Mmm, mmm, mmm … Oh dear, Trick. I do believe you’ve already lost your pants in this relationship. Has it even been twenty-four hours?” Grady shakes his head.

I know what’s coming because there’s one part of Trick that is always predictable—his cocky side.

“Darby likes me best without my pants.”