Page 91 of Only Trick

“Darby?” Tamsen calls with a knock at the door. So much for avoidance.

“Come in.” The heat and flames of crimson saturate my skin.

“Trick asked me to come up here.”

I roll my eyes to the ceiling and sigh as she closes the door behind her. “You must think I’m nothing but a sex-crazed hussy after the supply closet incident and now this.”

She laughs. “Hardly. I think you love a man that’s been celibate for a long time and now he can’t get enough of … you.” Her smile, as always, feels comforting and genuine.

“He’s intense, that’s for sure.” As I say the words, I’m reminded that Jade said the same thing the first time Trick came into the ER.

Tamsen nods. “That’s a good word.” She sits next to me on the bed.

“How does a guy like Trick go so many years without being with a woman? I get that he somehow felt taken advantage of, but if he can’t remember the details then how has that feeling stuck so long?”

“Grady. He’s Trick’s constant reminder of where he’s been and why he never wants to go back.”

I scoot sideways so I’m looking at her. “Does Grady know more about Trick’s past than what he’s told him?”

Tamsen stares at me and it’s the same look Trick has given me so many times. The look that says a thousand emotions but only a few words will be spoken. “Yes.”

“I don’t understand. Why doesn’t he tell him?”

“He won’t know what to do with the information. It’s possible it could trigger his memory, but if it doesn’t then he’s left with knowledge of a man he might not recognize…” she narrows her eyes a fraction “…especially if his actions were questionable.”


Tamsen rests her hand on mine. “You’re happy. Trick is … like I’ve never seen him before. So maybe some things don’t matter.”

“Does this have something to do with him owning a gun?”

“Trick owns a gun because it makes him feel safe, not because he’s a wanted criminal.”

I sigh. “One moment I wish his memory would come back and the next … I just don’t know. But last night everything changed—” I close my eyes.

“What happened last night?”

I open them. Warmth radiates through my body and a bubbling grin takes over my face. “We got married.”

“What?” Tamsen squeals, eyes wide and glowing. She bounces up and down on the edge of the bed then pulls me in for an exuberant hug. “Oh my gosh! Grady said he proposed, but I had no idea it would happen so fast.” She pushes me back to arm’s length. “You’re not—” She grimaces.

I laugh and shake my head. “I’m not pregnant.”

Tamsen’s body melts. “Good … I mean not that you having a baby would be bad it’s just—”

“Stop. There’s no need, I get it.” I wave a dismissive hand.

Her smile surges back. “Trick got married.” She shakes her head. “Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d see the day. You, my dear, have worked some serious magic on his heart.”

I bite my lips together. “That’s a good thing, right?”

“It’s the best. Well, Grady might not think so, but he’ll get over it. He adores you.”

“He does?” I cock my head to the side.

“Of course. In spite of their twisted fake ‘partnership,’ Grady really does want Trick to find happiness, even if it throws a wrench into Grady’s immediate plans. And you, my dear, are definitely Trick’s happiness.”

I blink back a few tears. “I love him.”

Tamsen hugs me. “I know you do, and he loves you … probably more than you’ll ever know. I just hope that if his memory ever comes back you’ll remember the Trick downstairs is not the same man he was then.”

I swallow past the lump in my throat. I don’t want to look back, but I’d be lying if I said it doesn’t scare me.

“I don’t even know what to say.” I sit back, showing a tight smile of guilt. “He asked me to marry him less than two weeks ago and then we just took off. I don’t have a job and neither does he. I mean … is this epically romantic, a real carpe diem moment, or catastrophically stupid?”

Tamsen laughs. “Epic … it’s undoubtedly epic.”

I squint one eye. “So what are you and Grady doing here? I’m glad you are, well … a phone call would have been nice.” I feel that crimson creeping up again at the thought of what they saw when they walked in the door.

“Yeah, I don’t think we’ll pull the surprise thing again.” She winks. “Grady flew back to Chicago to interview someone for Trick’s position. Then he came on out to New York. Grady feels like he’s Trick’s big brother and he worries about him. So after you two flew the coop, Grady thought the two of us should pop down to Mexico to make sure our ‘little brother’ is doing okay. We’ll only be here for a few days, and don’t worry we’re staying at a hotel—”