Charlotte could only laugh. It had only been a week since she and Sano had flown back to Texas together, and although they had yet to make any "official" announcement, everyone apparently already knew about the two of them.

"I'm getting married," she finally said, and Addison let out a gasp loud enough to have the other gym members curiously turn their way.

"Oh my God, Char—-"

"Move over." This from Jared, who promptly lifted Addison off the booth couch so he could take his seat.

"No—-" Addison was horrified to find herself sitting sideways on her husband's lap.

Ignoring his wife's struggles to free herself, Jared turned to Charlotte with a pleasant smile. "Congratulations on your engagement."

"Er, thanks..." Charlotte had a hard time stifling her own smile as Addison kept trying to stand up, only to have Jared pull her back down without effort.

Addison finally gave up resisting and turned to her friend. "I can't believeyouof all people have let another man sweep you off your feet in a whirlwind romance."

"Miracles happen, I guess." It was all Charlotte felt safe to say, since she and Sano had agreed to keep the more "fantastic" parts of their story a secret.

"What made you fall for him?" Addison asked eagerly.

"I'd like to know, too," a familiar voice put in, and Charlotte could feel her cheeks turning red as she saw Addison's eyes widen. A moment later, they were all on their feet, and Sano introduced himself so very easily as her fiancé as he shook hands with her friends.

She could feel everyone at the rooftop looking at them, and for one moment, it truly felt like déjà vu, and it was as if she and Sano were back in their old high school cafeteria. Just like most people had seemed unable to comprehend what made Landon choose her over the other girls, it seemed as if history was set to repeat itself with Sano and her.

More so now probably,Charlotte thought with a sigh, since not only was Sano this gorgeous, mysterious billionaire from Japan, but he happened to beeightyears younger than her, too.

Charlotte saw Sano's blue eyes gleam as Jared pulled his wife back to his lap, and she knew right away she was in trouble. But before she could even turn her back to run away, Sano had already joined her friends at their table and clasping her waist in a firm grip.


But it was already too late, and Charlotte now knew what it felt to be in Addison's shoes.I hate you, karma.


Sano's voice drew Charlotte out of her thoughts, and she caught Addison blinking in surprise at the way Sano had addressed her. Addison and everyone close to her knew that Charlotte had only let Landon call her that, and Charlotte knew it would only be a matter of time before people started comparing Sano and Landon to each other.

"Jared's taking his yacht out for a sail tomorrow," Sano was telling her, "and he's invited us to join them."

"Before you say yes," Addison interrupted, "you should know that Jared's sailing trips typically start atfivein the morning."

Charlotte felt defensive. "I can wake up at five if I have to."

"Says the girl whodidn'teven stir afterfivealarms,foursnoozes—-"

"That was back in college," Charlotte protested. "I've changed now! I only needtwoalarms—-" Addison laughed, and Charlotte made a face, realizing too late she hadn't exactly put forward a winning argument.

"We can always start later," Jared began.

Charlotte shook her head. "5 AM is fine," she insisted. "I can—-"

Sano suddenly cupped her chin, and as he turned her gaze to his, she was startled to find him frowning.

"I can't believe you find your phone's alarm more reliable than I am."

Charlotte could only look at him blankly. What was he saying? Was this the usual analog-is-better-than-digital argument or something else?

"You know how jealous and possessive I am," Sano said seriously. "It doesn't feel right that my bride-to-be would prefer to have a phone alarm wake her up when I'm right next to her in bed, and I can always wake her up the way she's always wanted: my co—-"

Oh my God!