Charlotte kicked him hard under the table, but it was too late. Jared was looking at her with a raised eyebrow while Addison was openly snickering, and those seated in nearby booths and tables were either gaping or glaring at her direction.

This wasn't déjà vu,Charlotte realized in horror. Rather, this was a preview of what the rest of her life would look like, and since LandonwasSano, wasn't there that one instance her husband told her it was one of his most important missions in life to give his wife cringe-worthy public avowals of love as often as possible?

"Are you alright?" Jared felt obliged to ask when he caught Charlotte's fiancé wincing for the third time. He had always thought Charlotte prim and proper, but he was clearly mistaken, with the way Addison's friend was working hard to dislocate her fiancé's knee.

"I'm good," Sano assured the other man. "This is just Charles' way of being affectionate."

Jared was amused. "Are you sure you don't mean murderous?"

"Murderously affectionate then," Sano said easily, and the other man laughed.

Addison was trying her best not to stare at Charlotte's new fiancé. The man obviously didnotlook like Landon in any way, but for some reason, Sano still reminded her so much of Charlotte's first husband.

"By the way..." Sano dealt his surroundings a cursory glance. "Is there any spot here that you'd recommend for a tryst?"

Definitely so like Landon,Addison thought, upon hearing Sano's question.

Jared was grinning. "I may know a spot or two that I've personally—-"


Addison's husband inclined his head. "My bad. I should've said it's something thatwepersonally tried—-" And ignoring the way his wife was now pounding on his back with her fists, Jared leaned forward to share with the other man his favorite spots.

Sano nodded in appreciation and said something back to Jared before scooping Charlotte off his lap and getting to his feet. "Thanks, man." As he dragged a protesting Charlotte away from the booth, both of them heard Jared say very pleasantly to his wife, "Sano told me something interesting about you and your ex-boyfriend..."

Charlotte's horrified gaze flew to Sano. "What did you tell him?"

"It's nothing serious," he assured her. "Just a little payback for that text of hers."

Charlotte groaned. "Youknowshe didn't mean anything by it. She'd never even have texted that if she had known I had already fallen in love with you!"

"Everything's fine, Charles. Jared's just going to give your friend a little punishment, but it's something both of them will enjoy."

"Eeeew."Charlotte wished she had covered her ears earlier. Maybe other friends were different, but it just wasn't her thing to know about her friends' sex lives.

"And besides..."

Charlotte frowned as Sano's voice trailed off. "And besides what?"

"Rather than worrying about your friend, don't you think you should worry about yourself first?" Sano's steps slowed down as he spoke, and it was only then Charlotte realized he had brought them to the gym's sauna room.

She immediately tried spinning away, but of course it was no use, and Sano already had them locked inside one of the sauna booths.

"I wish we could do half an hour here," Sano murmured as his fingers started punching buttons on the digital keypad, "but you'd probably have lost consciousness by then."

"This isn't funny, Sano!" Charlotte tried getting to the door, but Sano was able to easily put her off every single time.

"There." A satisfied expression crossed Sano's handsome face as the digital display began its fifteen-minute countdown before automatically unlocking.

Charlotte didn't know whether to feel thrilled or terrified. "Sano—-"

But he was already pulling her close as he took a seat.

"Ride me, Charlotte."

Oh God.