But because this time was different...


He didn't look like Land at all. Her husband was tall, dark, and ruggedly handsome while Sano, albeit also tall and deeply tanned, had features that were somewhat more...patrician. And right now, said features were currently attractinga lotof attention from the opposite sex.


Sano caught her staring, and his lips curved into a grin that had her scowling in return. He kept his gaze on her as he walked, but Charlotte wasn't letting him fool her just like that. He was acting like having all of the girls in the cafe ogling him meant nothing, but what if it was just an act?

She might have accepted that this was a sign from God, but what that sign exactly meant, she still needed to figure out—-what in the world?

Charlotte sputtered in shock as Sano squeezed himself next to her on the couch instead of taking the seat across. She was about to elbow him away, and as hard as she could, too, when his arm suddenly went around her, and he whispered into her ear, "Remember what we did in Paris?"

Oh my God, not that again.

But it was an effective threat nonetheless, and Charlotte could only tense up as Sano pulled her even closer. He was about the same height as Land, and the same build, and so it felt painfully familiar as Sano's arms wrapped around her waist.

This was how her husband liked to tease her, too. He had never been the affectionate type, not even with his own sister, whom everyone knew he secretly enjoyed spoiling. But ever since he and Charlotte started dating, he had turned himself into the world's clingiest husband, and purely for the sake of annoying her to death.

Such memories used to be bittersweet for her to recall, but now...

Sano didn't seem surprised when she suddenly jerked away, and it was Charlotte who was instead startled when she turned her gaze to his. He was staring at her like he was remembering the exact same thing, staring at her like he was hurting the same way she was hurting, and although she knew it was impossible, knew that it could be nothing but impossible—-

"How?" Charlotte whispered. "How can something like this happen?"

His lips twisted, and this, too, was so, so much like Land that it made her heart race and ache at the same time.

"I think I was three when my parents started taking me to all sorts of doctors. Neurologists. Pediatricians. Psychologists. Psychiatrists. They were genuinely worried about me. They wanted to know why I was so quiet, and why I didn't seem inclined to play with toys or other kids. But every test they made me take came back fine. There was nothing wrong with me. I was just...odd."

The wealth of emotion in that one word made Charlotte curl her fists. She had the craziest urge to wrap her arms around him, but fear of the unknown held her back. She wanted him to be who she thought he was. But she still needed to hear more.

"I was seven when it first happened. A woman had come to our school, and I just ran to her and hugged her. She was shocked, of course. But she was nice about it, since I was just a kid. I only recently found out that lady was my aunt—-"

Charlotte could feel herself paling. "Are you talking about—-"

"Aunt Thelma."

Oh God.

Thelma was the younger sister of Land's dad, and the older woman had still been in her late teens when she left the ranches of Texas for the snowy mountains of Niseko upon marrying a Japanese businessman.

"But since I didn't know that then, it freaked me out. And after that, countless other odd things had followed. I'd be humming a song while I'm doing my homework, and my parents would freak out because as far as they knew, I had never heard any of Debbie Gibson's songs. When we had our first vacation in America, I insisted on taking them to thisshawarmastand in New York, and when they asked me how I knew of it, I didn't know what to say either."

Charlotte fought to keep her hands from shaking as she slowly reached for her coffee. It probably wasn't a good idea to take even a sip with the way her heart was already pounding, but she just needed something to do to calm herself.

Everything Sano was telling her was abouther.Aboutthem.She had been a huge (secret) fan of Debbie Gibson ever since she was a kid, and it was on their first trip to NYC that they had come across theshawarmastand he was talking about.

But for him to remember such things when he was still a kid—-

How could that be possible?

How could Sano "remember" such things that were happening in real time, and she and Landon had still been together?

"By the time I hit my teens, I was the one pushing my parents to find more doctors for me to see. I was tired of questioning my sanity, of feeling like my whole life was this endless chain ofdéjà vu.Throughout the day, no matter what I did or who I was with, I would feel strangely...incomplete. And when I hit eighteen—-"

Charlotte's fingers started shaking so badly she was forced to place her cup back down. Sano at eighteen was ten years ago, which was the same year Landon...went away.

"That was when I started dreaming of you."