"Go the extra mile." Charlotte whispered the same words at the same time Sano did, and she only did so because that phrase was also something Land often used, and so for this man to say and do all the things her husband used to say and do—-

Can I really let myself believe it's Land, God?

She lifted her gaze to his, but there was no answer forthcoming in the depths of Sano's blue eyes.

Please give me a sign, God.

Please help me.

"Do you believe me now?"

I don't care if people will end up thinking I've lost my mind. If You say this is real, then it's real, so please God—-

Sano touched her face. "Charles?"

It was not her first time to hear Sano call her that.

Wasn't her first time to feel Sano's hand on her cheek.

And yet somehow...something had changed.

While the sound of his voice and the touch of his hand used to do nothing for her at first, something had suddenly changed, with the way her heart was now racing so, so fast, racing just like it used to do whenever Land touched her or spoke to her—-

And it was this change, she knew...

This change—-

Oh God.

Charlotte's knees buckled wildly under her woolen skirt.

She had asked for a sign from God, and this was it.

Chapter Three

CHARLOTTE STRUGGLEDto keep her face impassive as she saw Sano head back to their table with their drinks. When he had first introduced himself, she hadn't really cared to pay much attention to his looks. As far as she was concerned, no one would compare to her husband.