The more he had her, the more he wanted.
This kind of attraction had never happened to him before.
If he didn’t touch her, taste her, possess her he’d combust.
The cool air immediately puckered her nipples.
He was mesmerized. “I think we should have a bonfire where we burn all your bras. I love seeing your bare breasts and hard nipples beneath your clothing.”
“If you say so, Sir.”
A sensual undertone made her voice husky, and it laced straight through him.
She removed the yoga pants with the finesse of an exotic dancer.
“Torture,” he said.
It took an agonizing amount of time for her to finish undressing.
“Let me look at you, beautiful Brandy.”
Goose bumps danced across her skin.
Despite that, she widened her stance and placed her hands behind her neck then arched her back to thrust out her chest.
“You’re sensational.” He made a slow circle with his forefinger, and she complied with the unspoken order, turning her back toward him.
Perfectly reading his mind, she grabbed her ankles. Her rear bore no traces of their night together. “Come to me.”
She rose then pivoted before sauntering toward him in a purposeful and provocative way.
Instead of casting her gaze down, she met his eyes.
“Do you have any idea how much power you hold over me?” As he asked the question, he realized even he had no idea.
After draping herself across his lap, she adjusted her position, tilting up her ass higher. Are you trying to drive me crazy?
Regardless of her intent, he was definitely losing his mind.
“Enough,” he snapped, the word sounding like a growl.
Dana made an odd sound and tipped her head. MW dashed over to see what was going on. Even Whisper slinked onto the patio from beneath a bush.
“Go away,” she told the animals.
None of them obeyed her.
“Now.” He snapped his fingers and pointed.
They all moved back.
“You’re going to have to share your tricks with me,” she said.
He rubbed her butt cheeks until she made sounds of pleasure.
“Oh, Sir.”
Mindful of the chill in the air, he brought his hand down across her ass half a dozen times in quick succession.