Page 87 of For the Sub

She remained in place, and her sounds became soft whimpers.

Then she made a small adjustment so that she could rub against his thigh.

“Getting turned on?”

“Yes.” The word was forced out past a gasp. “Always, Sir. You know how to thrill me.”

He liked having her here, in his arms, their bodies intimately connected through trust. After another few spanks to remind them both of the natural order of things, he helped her to sit up.

She curled into him, her glorious hair spilling across his chest. He held her tight and stroked her arms and legs to warm her up.

“The way you are with me… It makes me willing to do almost anything for you in return.” She angled her head to look back at him. “It’s as if no one has ever known me this well.”

She smiled in a way so enchanting he’d happily wrap up the universe for her.

Then she batted her eyelashes at him. “Especially if you were to give me an orgasm, Sir.”

“No chance. I want you aroused through breakfast.”

“But… I promise I will be. No matter what.”

Which meant that she was agreeing to go with him.

He brushed hair back from her face so he could study her.

“You know how to touch me, Sir.”

“If I had my choice, Brandy, I’d never stop.” Still holding her, he stood and walked toward the house.

“Put me down, Sir! You can’t carry me all the way inside.”

“Actually, I believe I can.”

The dogs leaped up and barked as they trailed behind. The cat twitched its ragged ear and flicked his tail in disinterest at the ridiculous commotion.

Brandy giggled as she reached for the doorknob and pushed open the back door. “In the movies, it’s not quite this complicated.”

Once the dogs were inside, he kicked the door closed and continued through the house to the bedroom where he deposited her on the edge of the mattress.

“About those fishnet stockings…”

Chapter Thirteen

“Stay where you are,” Master Niles said as he parked the sports utility vehicle in front of Margot and John’s restaurant.

Though she’d been reaching for the door handle, Brandy dropped her hand.

Even if it was a little uncomfortable, if he wanted to treat her like royalty, who was she to complain?

Intently, she kept her gaze on him as he walked around the hood, the sun making streaks of gold appear in his dark brown hair.

The heated leather seats were a luxury she could get accustomed to in no time. She’d worn the stockings he’d wanted. Despite her fears, she wasn’t at all chilled by the temperature, meaning she could trust him.

Well, at least with her physical well-being.

As for her emotional stability… He was turning her inside out.

Brandy never had sex as good as she had with him.