Page 11 of The Boss

I placed them in my lap, and he watched how they trembled before he said, “Are you ready, Charlotte?”

My gaze dropped to his crotch, and I took a deep breath. “Yes, sir.”



Charlotte wasn’t going to work out.

Not because she had precisely zero idea how to submit. Being a complete novice made her even more appealing, and I loved the idea of being the man who taught her to be a perfect, good girl. No, it wouldn’t work because she was afraid. I needed a girl who did what I asked because she wanted to please me, not because she was terrified of me.

I sighed inwardly as I watched her hands tremble in her lap. It was a fucking shame this would be our only play session because Charlotte was even more gorgeous in person. Her body was incredible, and I itched to cup those perfect breasts. I loved everything about her, from her curvy body to her pretty brown eyes and heart-shaped face with soft, lush lips. Just picturing those lips spread around my cock made my dick twitch.

Charlotte stared quietly at me, her gaze switching back and forth from my face to my dick, and fuck was she trying to kill me? I needed to focus and give her the rules.

Why? You know she isn’t going to work. Why bother with the rules? Hell, get her up off her knees and send her home. Don’t waste your time or hers.

I really should, but the sight of curvy, sweet Charlotte on her knees - even if she’d been about as graceful as a newborn colt getting to them - was a beautiful sight. It wouldn’t hurt to finish the play session. Maybe she’d stop being so afraid once she knew the rules and what I expected of her.

Unlikely. At least with the current terror on her face.

I sighed inwardly but forged ahead. “The following are my rules for play sessions.”

She visibly jerked, and weirdly, her gaze dropped to my cock again. What was up with this girl and her dick obsession?

Why are you bitching about that?

I wasn’t. Not really. But it made it really fucking difficult to keep my focus.

“Charlotte,” I said sternly. “Eyes on my face when I’m speaking to you.”

“Sorry, sir,” she said, her face reddening again. “Sorry, I assumed… I mean, I thought you wanted me to…”

I raised an eyebrow. “You thought what?”

“Nothing, sir,” she said, giving my dick one final glance before settling her gaze on my face. “I’m sorry, sir.”

“First rule and most important - you will arrive on time for a play session. I have zero tolerance for tardiness. There will be no second chance. If you are late again, I will dismiss you and request a new play partner from the agency. Clear?”

Her face was so red it looked painful, but she kept her eyes on my face. “Yes, sir. It won’t happen again, sir.”

“No bra or panties during a session.” I hid my urge to grin as I continued. “You may take them off when you arrive. I’ll leave the front door open for you, and you do not need to knock or announce your presence. Once you’re,” my gaze dipped to her breasts again, “ready for a play session, you will come to my office. If our session begins at seven pm, I expect to find you on your knees on this cushion, with your head bowed and your hands in your lap precisely at seven pm. Do you understand?”

She nodded, those pretty brown eyes still laser focused on me. That was promising.

“No personal phone calls or texts during a play session. You are to turn your phone off and leave it in your purse for the entirety of our time together. You will not speak during a session unless I give you permission or ask you a question. If you have a question for me, raise your hand. When you bring work to me at my desk -”

“Work?” she said.

“What did I just say about asking questions?” I said.

She flushed. “Sorry, sir. I… I’ll do better in the future.”

“See that you do,” I said. “What is your question?”

“What, um, work will I be doing?” Her gaze flickered to my crotch again.

“Admin work,” I said.