She blinked at me, the surprise written all over her face. “You want me actually to be your secretary?”
“Yes,” I said.
“Oh, I thought… I thought that was, um, pretend,” she said. “It’s part of the fantasy, but I wouldn’t be doing anything other than, uh….”
She glanced at my dick again, and it finally clicked for me. She thought she was here just to suck my cock.
She cleared her throat and confirmed it. “I thought I would be spending… personal time with you.”
“That’s part of it,” I said, “but not all. You’re my assistant during play sessions, and I expect you to do administrative work. Is that a problem?”
“No, not at all, sir,” she said, her relief evident. “I’m very good at admin work, sir.”
“Good.” I studied her still pink face. “I assume the sisters clarified that the personal time I’m looking for is limited to touch and oral. Nothing beyond that.”
“Yes, sir,” she said quickly. “Mine is also, which is why they suggested we work together.”
“When you bring work to my desk for my review, you will kneel on the cushion and wait for me to acknowledge you,” I said.
“Yes, sir,” she said.
Unable to resist, I reached down and ran my hand over her hair. It was as silky soft as it looked. She tensed beneath my touch, and something twisted in my chest. I hated that she was afraid of me.
“Last rule,” I said. “I am aware that you signed an NDA with the agency. However, I’m asking you to sign a second one this evening specifically for me. I’ll give you the opportunity to read it over and ask questions before signing, but basically, it’s reiterating that any information you see or hear in this room will not be shared outside of it.”
I squatted so I was face-to-face with her. “You can choose not to sign it, Charlotte, but know that if you refuse, our current session ends immediately, and I will not choose you for another.”
I was probably going overboard with the second NDA. The ironclad NDA the sisters required signing from clients and their employees covered every possible scenario. But while any secretarial work I gave Charlotte would be fake, I usually did real work on my laptop and occasionally took phone calls from actual clients. I doubted Charlotte would glean any relevant information, but signing a second NDA would impress upon her just how seriously I took my privacy.
“Are you willing to read over the NDA?” I asked.
“Yes, sir,” she said. “Signing it won’t be a problem, sir.”
“Good girl,” I said.
Her reaction to even that small amount of praise was surprising and delightful. Her tense body relaxed, her hands stopped trembling, and she got a light in her eyes that practically lit up her whole face.
Her happiness at pleasing me gave me an immediate dopamine hit. God, there was nothing I loved more than watching a woman find true joy in being my good girl. My surety that this would be the first and only play session with Charlotte diminished. Maybe her fear had less to do with me and more about her uncertainty about this new dynamic. Christ, I hoped so.
I straightened and said, “Stand, please, Charlotte.”
She stood with slightly more grace than she had knelt and gave me an uncertain smile. I pointed to the small desk. “Sit there while you read over the NDA, please.”
I gave her the NDA and a pen and returned to my desk. I glanced surreptitiously at her every few seconds, pleased to see how carefully she read the two page document. As she signed it, I joined her again and logged her into the laptop, opening the spreadsheet I wanted her to work on. It was a simple data entry job, completely fabricated on my end, and something anyone with half a brain could complete.
But I wasn’t trying to see how smart Charlotte was. It was easy to see how intelligent she was, even from the short time I’d spent in her presence. No, this was to gauge how well she obeyed me, and if she could get through the mind-numbing task I’d asked her to do, like, well… a good girl.
I showed her the email account I’d set up for her, a draft email already started with my own fake email account and briefly explained what I needed her to do with the spreadsheet before asking if she had any questions. Her bright smile was too fucking adorable as she said, “No questions, sir.”
“Email it to me for review when you’re finished,” I said.
“Yes, sir.” She was already placing her hands on her keyboard, a look of concentration on her face.
I returned to my chair, the soft clicking of Charlotte typing a soothing rather than distracting sound. I watched her work for a moment. She was already completely focused on her task and I was free to look my fill. She squinted at the screen - did she normally wear glasses? - and she had a habit of nibbling at that lush bottom lip as she worked.
I realized with a start that nearly five minutes had passed while I stared at her, and I forced my gaze to my laptop. I was starting a new job on Monday, and I still had plenty of clean-up work to finish for my previous job. I probably shouldn’t have booked a play session for tonight, but I couldn’t resist - not after the sisters had sent me Charlotte’s profile.
I took another glance at Charlotte, who now practically had her nose touching the small laptop screen but still squinted at the screen. I mentally shut down the image already searing into my brain of Charlotte on my desk with her skirt pushed up around her waist and her legs spread wide while I feasted on her pussy and turned back to my laptop.