“Sorry, Shells, he and I have history. I’ll be taking this one from you tonight. There is plenty of money over there for you to have.” She gives the woman with the pink hair a tight smile, but there is clearly a stand off about to happen. Just as I am about to rip my hand out of the shorter woman’s grip, she tugs me down and whispers in my ear.
“Shepard’s here. Come with me.”
My breath seizes in my chest and I have to lock my neck to keep from looking around the room. I nod once before I turn back to the stripper that she called Shells.
“Sorry, baby. She’s right. I didn’t know that she was here tonight or I would have gone straight for her. The last thing I need is for my woman to be pissed at me.” I try to play it off that this short stripper is my girlfriend, but I know the pink haired one isn’t buying it.
“If she’s you’re fucking girlfriend than what the hell are you doing up in here trying to have fun with the other girls.” She crosses her arms over her chest and glares at me. The flashing neon lights in the room make the makeup on her face seem garish and caked on. Far from the beautiful mask I’m sure she's going for.
“Whatever, I didn’t want to play with his little cock anyway.” Shells rolls her eyes and walks away.
I have no choice, but to snort at that. If she only knew just how 'not little' my cock actually is.
I let the shorter woman take me away. She keeps her steps slow and she rubs on me a few times probably to play up the idea that we are really going to the back to fuck. I know it's the right thing to do, but I don’t want to take my time. I want to see Shepard right the fuck away and tell him what the fuck is going on. How had he found me and what he is doing all the way the fuck over here in El Dorado?
After snaking through the small crowd, she pulls me into a back room and shuts off the lights.
“What the fuck are you doing?” I ask her, but she simply puts a hand to my mouth to get me to shut up. I hear her take her shoes off and then we start moving once again. This time, everything is pitch black and I can barely see in front of my face. After walking for a few seconds I start to get antsy and try to pull my hand away from hers. I feel like she’s taking me to the back room to harvest my fucking organs or something.
“Shhh.” She says. I let her pull me along. The only clue that I have that she's not, is the fact that her palms are sweating. If she’s nervous about this too maybe that means she’s not here to kill me.
Finally, a bit of light shines as we walk into another room with the same layout, but it seems like it’s on the other side of the club. I don’t know why she just didn’t bring me over here in the first place.
I blink my eyes when a bright light shines in my face, I feel her back away and then out of nowhere a heavy object connects with the side of my gut and all my air puffs out of my mouth, causing me to fall to the ground on my back.
“You fucking traitor!” I look up through my fingers and see Shepard pulling his foot back ready to bring it down on my face. He’s going to fucking kill me.
I hate that I have nothing to do besides wait for someone to come in here and tell me my fate. The fact that I know that Nitro is on my side gives me more hope than I could ever have imagined, but now I just feel like I’m wasting all this time waiting on him to make his move. I could be doing so much more than just getting women ready for the buyers. I could be out there helping him bring Rooster down.
I feel like I’m going out of my mind in this small cell that I’m in. There is nothing to do here, besides either sleep or feel sorry for myself and I refuse to do either. Instead, I pace back and forth and think up ways that I could help. So far, I haven’t come up with much besides bash someone's head in against the wall or bite a nose off. I’ve heard stories of the guys from the Wings doing that.
I hear the door to my cell opening and I nearly spring to the door waiting for Nitro to walk in. “It’s about time—“ I stop talking and take a few steps back when I realize that the person who's walking into the room isn’t Nitro, but another one of the Purged members.
“Oh, I didn’t realize that you were waiting for me.” The man has oily black hair and a scar that goes from his ear down his neck. Even as he smiles at me, I know that the sentiment is only skin deep, there is nothing about this man that says he’s happy. I look at his Kutte and see the name Rage. It suits him.
“What are you doing here? I was told that I would be left alone.” I back up towards the wall trying to stay as far away from the bed as I can. I don’t know if Nitro is here, but I can’t depend on him saving me every time something goes down.
“That’s a shame. Such a fucking shame. I was sure that I would have made a lasting impression on you, but I guess by the way you are staring at me I didn’t. I thought we could have been a thing for a second.” He shrugs and starts walking the perimeter of the room. Every step he takes causes me to take another step away from him. It feels like he’s pushing me without touching me.
“What the fuck are you talking about, I don’t know you.” I squint up at him, but I don’t bother to look at him for too long. Something about him just rubs me the wrong way.
“Are you sure Tink? Really? I mean I guess it makes sense that you wouldn’t know who I am. Even though I did everything, I mean every fucking thing I possibly could to make sure that I was part of the team. That I was a fucking Wing.”
My eyes jerk back up to his again. He's supposed to be a member of the Wings of Diablo? I stare at him and as I do, he pulls his hair back and turns so I don’t see the scar. Rage. Oh, fuck I do know who this is. He came in the beginning when Clay and Mark got there. He didn’t make it, because Pirate said he didn’t have what it took to reign in his impulses. Archer didn’t hesitate to kick him out of the prospect run.
“What the hell? Why are you doing this! I fucking remember you. We gave you every chance, but you couldn’t fucking control your God damn temper.” I snap at him doing my best not to take any steps toward him.
“My temper, what the fuck does a brotherhood have to do with my temper. I would have done every fucking thing that Archer told me to do, all he had to do was give me a chance, but I wasn’t good enough. I wasn’t good enough for him to take a chance on. Rooster did though. Rooster gave me the brotherhood that no one else was willing to give me.” This time when Rage speaks something in his tone sounds almost joyful. It’s creepy.
“Good for you.”
“Isn’t though? I mean I would say that it’s good for you and your family too, but last I heard they weren’t doing too well. Last I heard they were being split apart from the inside. Shyne isn’t even with them anymore.” Rage looks up at me and I can’t help but gasp in shock.
“You’re lying. That’s not true. That’s not fucking true. He’d never just fucking leave the Wings. That’s our family.” I yell at him.
“Is it? How quickly your family can forget about you though. That’s why Shyne left, or so I heard. Little Tink wasn’t important enough for them to go looking for.”