I feel the tears starting to build up in my eyes, but I don’t want him to see me cry. Could that be true? Did they really abandon me here?
“Fuck you. You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. My family is out looking for me. I know it for a fact. There is nothing that you can say that is going to make me think any different.” I keep my head up high. I’m not going to let him break me down.
I see the second that he realizes that he’s not going to break me on his face. He lunges at me and I try to dart out of the way, but he’s faster than I could have imagined. “You think I don’t know what the fuck is going on here. You think I don’t know what the fuck you and Nitro have going on? That I don’t know he’s working with you.”
I try to move, but he grabs me hard by my hair. I don’t even scream, because I know that no one is going to hear me. If Nitro hasn’t come in yet I doubt he will. “I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.” I say through gritted teeth.
“You’re going to sit here and play stupid, huh?” He throws me against the wall and I bounce off the padding and fall to the ground.
“Fuck you, Rage. I don’t have any fucking thing to tell you.” I say from where I'm struggling to get off the floor.
“We’ll see about that won’t we?” He pulls his kutte off and lays it on the bed. Nitro may be the only way I’ll be able to get these girls out of here. No matter what happens I can’t give him up. I’d rather be beat to death than sell him out. Nitro is nothing like the other men here and I’m not going to give anyone any ammunition to force him to change.
I put my hands back up and wait for Shepard’s foot to come back down towards my face. I grab it and pull him down on the ground. My teeth gnash together as he swings his hands forward and I just let him hit on me. As fucked up as it is right now, Shepard is still my true president. I’ll never lay a fucking hand on him if I don’t have to.
“Shepard, what are you doing? Why are you doing this man?” I brace against another blow and do my best to catch hold of his hands as he swings.
“You flipped. You flipped on us!” He grits out and uses his lower body to flip over. I don’t let him. Instead I take my forearm and press it to the back of his head and straddle his body so I’m sitting on his back. I don’t want to hurt him, but I’m not about to let him beat me to death for something I haven’t done.
“I didn’t, I fucking didn’t. I’m still a Spawn. For fucking life Shep.” I hold him down and hope that he stops fighting. I don’t have time for this.
“Bullshit. I’ve been calling you for fucking days. You haven’t answered once! Then to top it all off you end up all the way the fuck over here. If I didn’t have them trace your fucking phone, I would have never fucking found you!”
It’s like he doesn’t fucking understand how close to the fire I really am. I can’t just pick up the phone and reach out whenever I feel like it. Rooster is so far off his shit and other people are starting to suspect that I’m not who I say I am. Like fucking Rage. Cyrus and Gunny are going to have something to say as well if I don’t get back over there soon. Now that it’s not a fucking underground crypt that we are in and we have Purged members that aren’t just fucking savages, it’s like I’m trying to sneak around with a big fucking target on my back.
“Shepard, I’m still fucking with you. Dammit, what do I have to do to prove it to you, die!” I yell. It may be dramatic, but that’s what I feel like needs to happen right now.
“Get the fuck off me.” He grunts out and I quickly jump off his back.
I run my hands down my face and feel a bit of blood coming from my lip. I’m pissed that I’m the one constantly with my life in danger, but he can’t seem to just fucking trust me. “What now, you going to try and beat my ass for doing what you ask?”
“Why the fuck didn’t you call me?”
“Shepard, what part of I’m undercover do you not understand? Do you think I’m just walking around with nothing to fucking do? That I’m just sitting back watching what’s going on with my thumb up my ass? I’ve had to kill people that didn’t fucking deserve it. I’m breaking bread with people I want to shoot in the fucking head and I’m having to watch my back every fucking minute of every day. What the fuck did you think was going to happen when you sent me in there to spy on Rooster?” I yell at him.
“I thought you would find a way to take him the fuck out, not run off and become his fucking VP!” Shepard yells right back.
The both of us stare in each other's face. Our breathing is erratic and our hands are clenched.
“I thought I wanted to be the VP back home. I don’t. I don’t want this. I just want to come home and not have to worry about people fucking trying to kill us. If this is what we were I don’t know how I lasted this long.” I shake my head and take a step back. The Spawns of Chaos have never been a law abiding, helpful club, but I never thought we were as bad as the Purged.
“We’ll never be this. Never.” Shepard runs a hand over his patch before he turns away from me and composes himself. “What the hell is going on Nitro? Why the fuck couldn’t I get in contact with you?”
“I was playing butler to an escaped convict. At least I think he’s an escaped convict.” I cross my arms over my chest.
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“I held a whole fucking auction in the new clubhouse for Mr. Yemen Ratliff.” My eyebrow raises all the way up to my hairline as I watch Shepard’s face turn white.
“No fucking way. He’s still locked up. He’s supposed to be there for another two decades at least.” Shepard shakes his head back and forth like he refuses to believe me.
“Shepard I’m fucking telling you Yemen is out and walking around. He had another man with him, but I don’t know who he is, someone named Rupert Giles.”
Shepard takes a few steps back and leans against the back wall to put his head in his hands, “No fucking way. Ink is going to be so fucking pissed.”
Ink, I didn't think about him in the least. “What the hell does he have to do with anything?”