Page 95 of Ryker

I can’t believe Tara didn’t tell me who he really was to her when he attacked her the other day. Of all my guesses, not once did stepbrother register in my head as a possibility. And I’m willing to bet he’s treated her like shit since the minute their parents got together. His animosity and ugliness couldn’t have happened overnight. They have a well-seasoned hatred, by the looks of it.


“Tara!” William yells. “Get in here!”

“Shit,” she whispers. Springing into action, Tara stands up, smooths out her dress, and scurries out of the dining room.

“Uh oh.” Garret grins like a Cheshire cat once it’s just the two of us. “Looks like Daddy’s girl is in big trouble.”

William’s voice booms from the other room. “Garret! Get in here.”

“See you around, lover boy.” He tosses his napkin onto my plate of food. “Show yourself out, mmkay? I’ll send Tara back to you when we’re done.”

I’m on him so fast, he doesn’t have time to back away. Climbing over the fucking table, knocking the drinks and kicking a platter of scones over as I go, I hop down and back him up against a wall.

He doesn’t have time to move or yell. I hold him pinned against the wall by his motherfucking throat and stare at him until he trembles under me. Then I inch closer, taking up all his fucking space, all his air, all his fake ass bravado. Our mouths are so close I can practically taste the bourbon fumes on him.

I hold his gaze for a long moment, and as I grab his tie, his pupils shrink. Ah, so he remembers what I did with his last one. Good. For a minute there, I thought he was delusional enough to believe I’d be civilized just because I’m in his territory.

Instead of wrapping the tie like a noose around his neck again and finishing the job I started the other day, I undo it. Keeping my smile tight, I re-tie the fucking thing, making it extra snug around his stringy little neck. “Better get going, Garret. Don’t want to keep Daddy waiting.”

He doesn’t move until I take another step back and let him go. Then he rushes out of the dining room and I’m pretty certain there’s a wet spot on his pants.

I finally get why Tara didn’t want to tell me about her family.

They’re absolute scum.

It’s infuriating to know she grew up with every luxury money could afford and was deprived of the one thing everyone should have in spades. Her words come back to haunt me now.

“You protect. You care for people. You work hard to keep everyone in here safe, happy, and healthy.”

Tara saw me for exactly who I was because it’s probably something she’s hunted for.

Well, she found me.

And I’m not letting anyone hurt my girl or make her feel less than incredible ever again.

Buttoning my suit jacket, I head for the office.

Chapter 32


“I thought you said you handled the Greene Street property, girl?”

“I did. I met with the realtor last week and did a walk through. It’s not worth the investment, Daddy.” God, I hate calling him that.

William slams his fist on his desk, making me flinch. I’ve never seen him this angry before. Yes, he has a temper, but he’s never aimed it at me before.

“I told you to get that property, Tara. God damnit!” He drops into his seat and pinches the bridge of his nose. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled.”

“It’s okay.” No, it’s not. “You’re under a lot of pressure.” I sound like my mother. “I went to close the deal, but the owner decided to put it up for auction at the end of the month and refused all offers.”

William stills. “How many offers did they have already?”

“I don’t know exactly.”

“Fucking Clyde-Smith vultures. They’ve managed to get every single property I want, and I don’t understand how. If we hadn’t already signed the contracts for the two hotels, they’d have them too. They’re working faster than us.” William runs his finger along his bottom lip while he thinks. “I was told a third party is interested in it, too. Do you know anything about that?”