Rebecca’s fork clatters on her plate. “Garret! Don’t talk to your sister like that!”
He shrugs and goes for a slice of quiche next.
Tara smiles and tips her head. “I’m sure you know all about the dick-of-the-month club, Garret.” She winks at Travis. “I assume this one’s Mr. June?”
It’s nice to see Tara’s not intimidated by him. Still, anyone talking to my girl with this much disrespect needs his fucking teeth knocked out. I’m just waiting for the perfect time to do it.
Rebecca huffs. “Stop it, both of you.”
William rests his elbows on the table, steepling his fingers. “Where are we with that Greene Street property, Tara?”
So, he’s going to let his son talk to Tara like that too? This is bullshit.
“Ugh, William,” Rebecca pouts. “Can we please eat first before you get into this? We have guests! Let’s not bore them through the entire meal by discussing old buildings and demolition projects.”
“It’s okay, Mrs. Brisbane,” Travis says with a warm smile. “I’m here for business, too.”
“But can we just discuss something, anything else, for a moment?”
“Tara said you were just in Paris.” I keep my hand on Tara’s thigh, feeling more possessive and protective of her than ever. “How was the weather there?”
Rebecca looks shocked I knew about that, and relieved for the subject change. “It was wonderful.”
Lies. I know she hated it, but I also realize she could be putting up a front for her husband since Tara seems to do the same. I’ll keep playing along for now. “Isn’t fashion week soon? I bet the spring line’s nice.”
She eases into the conversation, gratefully. “I’m not crazy about this season’s styles at all. Too many bold prints, not enough florals.”
William takes a sip of his bloody Mary. “I love my girls in flowers.”
“I’ve never been to Paris,” I say, casually spinning the stem of my champagne flute. “My work keeps me too busy for much else.”
William leans forward and faces me. “And what is it you do, Mr. Hudson?”
“I’m in personal luxuries.”
Garret mumbles something under his breath I don’t hear. Travis snarfs his drink and quickly grabs his napkin to blot his tie. Then he chokes on whatever bourbon he hadn’t spit out, and Rebecca jumps up to whack him on the back. “Are you okay?”
I take the distraction as an opportunity to slip my hand under Tara’s dress and enjoy how Garret turns a mottled red because he knows where my hand is. My girl stays extra still for me, even as I plunge a finger into her cunt.
“Pass me a crab cake,” William orders just as his phone goes off. He answers it while Rebecca rushes to cater to his needs.
It’s fucking ridiculous.
But this brunch is about to become my new favorite meal.
Tara’s breath hitches when I pull my finger out of her pussy and bring the glossy digit up to run around the rim of my champagne flute. I haven’t taken my eyes off Garret yet. He’s fuming, and it makes me want to fuck with him even more. After dipping my finger into my champagne, I bring it to my lips and suck it. It’s my middle finger too.
He gets my message loud and clear.
Keeping Garret’s gaze, I tip my flute back and take a sip. “Fucking delicious.”
Sometimes knocking a man’s teeth out isn’t nearly as fun as watching him implode. His furious gaze leaves me and lands on Tara.
Go ahead. Say one more thing to her, motherfucker. I grab my fork, ready to stab his eyes out just for looking at my girl.
William yells at the person on his cell, shooting up out of his chair and marching out of the dining room. Rebecca sits back and crosses her arms like a petulant child. Travis brings up how lovely the gardens are and asks her for a tour. They both hop up and leave like they can’t get out of here fast enough.
Putting my fork to use, I stab something on my plate and put it in my mouth, not tasting whatever it is. My attention remains solely on Garret.