This can’t be true. Roman can't be gone. The man I’ve fallen so deeply for ripped from my life by a sadistic madman. It's agonizing, like a blade has been driven deep into my chest and twisted ruthlessly.
“Liza, are you … are you okay? What’s happening?”
Sofiya doesn't realize that they're talking about Roman, and I can’t possibly explain it to her. Not now. Words are beyond me.
Seeing my state, she tries to comfort me. She can't hug me, but she starts humming a lullaby, one that an old nanny used to sing to us. I focus on the song, her voice, and the melody, and block everything else out of my brain as I burrow into Sofiya’s lap while she strokes my hair.
I’m barely aware when Anatoly hangs up the phone and orders one of his men to restrain me like my sister.
I don't have the energy to fight back. I don't have the energy to do anything but close my eyes and pray that this is all a nightmare I'll wake up from soon.
I revel in the darkness, unable to muster the strength to even open my eyes. I can't focus. I can't think about what’s next. I can't even talk to Sofiya. I just feel numb. Broken.
Less than twelve hours ago, I was in Roman's arms—the happiest and safest I've ever felt—and now, the worst possible thing has happened. The unimaginable.
The life with him that I had only just started constructing in my head is erased—a one-time fantasy that will never be.
I knew he lived in a dangerous world with dangerous people—I had experienced that firsthand. But I wanted to believe he was invincible. Well, stupid me. It turns out no one is, only the superheroes in movies.
“Come on, Lizka,“ Sofiya whispers. “We've just landed.”
I blink away the grogginess as the jet's engines wind down, their hum replaced by a deafening silence that seems out of place after hours of constant noise. My limbs are stiff, and my muscles are sore from the constrained positions and the cold metal of the cuffs that have kept me and Sofiya bound.
Anatoly stands in the open doorway of the jet, his silhouette dark against the blinding light spilling in from outside.
“Unchain them,“ he barks over his shoulder.
His men, two burly figures I’ve never seen before, move towards us. Sofiya flinches as they approach, but I tell her it’s going to be okay. Not because I believe it, but because I need to say something comforting.
“Behave,“ Anatoly warns as the metal falls away from my wrists.
I rub at the red marks left by the cuffs, the skin tender and bruised. My hands tremble, not just from the pain but also from the rush of fear and uncertainty.
Somehow, I need to set aside my grief to figure out how Sofiya and I can escape from this nightmare. The thought of these two monsters joining forces at our expense is so terrifying that it steals my breath.
As we step off the jet, bright sunlight stings my eyes. I have no idea where we are, and I doubt anyone will fill me in. The only thing I can say for sure is that the air is warmer here, scented with sea salt. We’re somewhere far from Russia.
Anatoly leads the way to a sleek, black SUV parked on the tarmac. Another identical vehicle idles behind it.
I glance at Sofiya. Her face is pale, and dark smudges rest under her eyes. Our gazes meet in a silent exchange, and I try to stay strong for her. I hope she knows I'm going to figure this out for us. I have no idea how, but I will.
If we can't break free, then Roman’s death will have been pointless. I know he would have wanted me to fight tooth and nail to escape, and I am determined to not let him down.
A short time later, the vehicle we’re traveling in comes to a stop. A blindfold has blocked out any view of the outside world since we left the airstrip. Rough hands guide me out of the vehicle, and the scent of sea salt mixed with dry earth fills my nostrils.
Anatoly’s voice cuts through the silence. “Walk,” he commands. His hand grips my arm, steering me with a force that leaves no room for resistance.
“Don't separate me from Sofiya,” I beg. “Keep us together, that's all I'm asking of?—”
“You're in no position to make demands,“ he snaps.
“I can make this easy for you, or I can make it hard. Give me this one thing—let me stay with Sofiya. Do that, and I’ll cooperate,“ I bargain, hoping my words find some leverage.