Dread stirs deep within me, and I’m sure I’m going to be sick. “Sofiya has nothing to do with you and me. I'll do whatever you want, but leave her here.”
A smug grin crosses his face. “No can do, princess. If you weren't such a whore and hadn't fucked that Vasiliev trash, we could've at least waited until Sofiya was eighteen. But you forced my hand, and now I'm forcing yours. With a little help from your father.”
My heart pounds like a drum in my chest. “Please. What’s the rush? In a few months, she can be married legally here in Russia. We could plan a beautiful wedding and make a splash. Don't be hasty just because you're mad at me.”
He wrenches my arm, and I cry out in pain.
“Do you think I'm an idiot? If you know what’s good for you and Sofiya, you’ll shut up and do what I say.”
My God, he’s completely insane.
Inside, the hangar is surrounded by unfamiliar guards with big guns, making it clear that escape is not an option. Not that I would even try, knowing Sofiya is already on the plane.
We enter the private jet, where more guards sit stone-faced, waiting for our arrival. Muted sobs catch my attention.
Sofiya is sitting at the back, her eyes closed and her head resting against the wall. She doesn’t seem to register my entry.
“Sofiya,” I murmur, feeling wrecked to have to see her like this. I wrench myself from Anatoly’s hold and sprint to her.
Her eyes are red-rimmed, and she looks exhausted.
“Liza, oh my God. I don't know what's happening. Why is Anatoly doing this?”
I lower into the seat beside her and gather her in my arms. Whatever explanation I give her won't make her feel better, so I say nothing at all.
“Roman’s guard came to get me from the dorm, told me I was in danger, and then… Oh my God, he was killed right in front of me. Shot in the head before he started the car. Then they forced me out of the car, and?—“
“Shush.” I try to comfort her. “I'll explain later; now is not the time.” Not with Anatoly and his guards mere feet away.
I can't imagine what she went through today, and the worst part is that the day is not even close to being over. I have a terrible feeling that things will only get worse from here.
When I look down, I notice restraints on her arms and legs. Anger boils my blood. After everything she's been through, being tied down is the last thing she needs.
I’m about to take the matter up with Anatoly, when a member of the flight crew steps into the cabin.
“Air traffic control has cleared us for takeoff. If everyone is ready to go, you can take your seats, and?—”
“We're not fucking ready to go,” Anatoly seethes.
The first officer slinks back into the cockpit. "I'll wait for your order, sir."
Anatoly starts pacing in the aisles, looking agitated, phone pressed to his ear. “Where the fuck is he?!” His frustration mounts as he repeatedly presses the call button.
I guide my sister's head to rest on my shoulder to shield her from the chaos around us. The only thing I'm grateful for is that Anatoly hasn't told her his plans for us. No good can come from her knowing what’s next.
When Anatoly stops his pacing, the whole cabin seems to hold its breath. His expression morphs from anger to annoyance as he stands in place with his phone in hand.
“Sergey, where the fuck have you been?” he snaps. “We’re waiting on the tarmac for you.”
My body goes rigid. I can’t believe this is really happening.
“And?” Anatoly asks.
There's a brief pause before he nods. “Good. Vasiliev got exactly what was coming for him. I hope you made his death slow and painful.”
Anatoly’s stare bores into me, his lips curling upward.
The blood freezes in my veins, and a stone drops like lead into my stomach. A tortured scream rips from my throat, and my body shakes uncontrollably.