“You sure? I know you haven’t been feeling well. We don’t need to do the full dance if you want to sit.”
I have the sudden urge to tell him right then, right there.
He looks so concerned, and I know he’s going to keep worrying for the rest of the night. I take my hand out of his and slide both arms around his neck while his wrap around my waist.
“About that,” I begin. “I went to the doctor on Monday.”
“She said I can expect to feel this way for a while. But it should clear up around the second trimester.”
It takes a second for him to register what I’m saying. Sean’s eyebrows are knitted together in confusion, but then it dawns on him, and his eyes widen.
He stops.
Our first dance is completely forgotten.
“Oh, my God. Jess…are you?—?”
I smile back and nod. “I am. Nine weeks along.”
“Hell yeah! Hell yeah!”
Sean scoops me up and spins me around, laughing in excitement.
Guests start clapping and cameras are flashing all around the space. They have no idea what’s happening. This special news is just for my new husband, who kisses me deeply.
Smiling, I kiss him back.
“I love you so much,” Sean says, stroking my cheek. “Both of you. I bet it’s a boy.”
“I love you too, but how do you know?”
“My Spidey sense is telling me it’s a boy.” He punctures his declaration with a confident nod.
“Oh, yeah? I’m pretty sure it’s a girl.”
“Yeah? How’s that?”
“I can just tell.”
“Ha! Well, we’ll see about that.”
“Trust me. Women have a sixth sense about these things. And she’s going to be really special.”
He wraps his arms around me tight. “That’s for sure. Whether it’s a he or a she, our little one is going to be the most extraordinary kiddo around!”
I sigh heavily and sit down at my desk. It’s been a long day, and all I want to do is go home and be with Jess.
My phone rings and I answer it immediately.
“What’s wrong?” I ask.
I’ve started answering all my calls from Jess that way, convinced she’s going to go into labor the one time I’m not around.
Jess chuckles. “Relax, nothing. I was just wondering where you were.”