Page 104 of The CEO Enemy

Hmm, I could rock that. I love you. Catch you at the altar!

I’ll be the one in the snazzy suit.

They always say that your wedding day goes fast. They’re right. Massages and mimosas (and orange juice, the pregnant lady’s staple) fly by. It feels good to be pampered and waited on, especially after working so hard for so long. All I can think about is marrying Sean and the fantastic honeymoon he has planned. Neither of us has had a vacation in eons, so Sean decided we’d go all out and use up all the vacation time we have.

Three weeks on a sunny Caribbean beach, here I come. As the hairdresser fixes my curls into an elegant updo, I breathe slowly through my nose and wait for the morning sickness to fade. Before I know it, I’m back in the suite and Pauline is helping me into my dress. She’s already wearing hers, a baby-pink off-the-shoulder bridesmaid’s dress she’d helped me pick out.

The gown is a little tighter than it was when I last tried it on. Mostly in the boob area. Sean will be happy about that.

“Breathe, Jess,” Pauline reminds me. “Deep breaths.”

“I can’t believe I’m getting married.”

Pauline smiles and pulls me into one of her signature motherly hugs. “You deserve this. Sean’s got you beaming like never before, and believe me—I never thought I’d see your joyfulness topped.”

“Right? It’s a shocker! I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy.” I squeeze her back, feeling the warmth of her support. “Thank you for everything, Pauline.”

“Hey, you promoted me and that’s thanks enough.”

I laugh, pushing her playfully.

She finishes zipping me into my dress, and the photographer arrives to take photos. Time ticks by, and I count down to when I’m going to see Sean.

Holy moly.

He looks so damn handsome in his tux.

Walking down the aisle, all I can see is him as I draw closer. With a grin spreading across my face, I mouth “Hey there, Mr. Snazzy Pants! Didn’t think you’d actually show up.” His smile widens, his eyes only for me, and when I finally reach him, he gives me a subtle wink and extends his hand. I gladly take it.

Sean leans in and whispers, “Well, had to make an appearance. Couldn’t let this dapper suit go to waste. But looks like you’re the real showstopper in that sparkly dress, Mrs. Blackwood.”

“Glad you recognized me,” I quip.

“Only because you’re not hiding behind one of your yogurt masks.”

“I’m saving the yogurt for the honeymoon.”

He grins. “Sounds like things are going to get creamy. I’ll be licking… my lips all honeymoon long.”

“Maybe we’ll need to stock up on strawberries…for dipping.”

“Baby. Count me in.”

With us giggling the whole time, I honestly do not remember what the justice of the peace says. We had a rehearsal the other day, but this is entirely different. It’s like my entire focus is narrowed on Sean and nothing and no one else. He’s giving me that look that makes me swoon, the one that makes me feel like I’m the only woman in the world. And when we’re pronounced husband and wife, he sweeps me up into a kiss that sends everyone into cheers.

In the ballroom, he leads me through our first dance. It’s only then that we have a moment to actually breathe.

“Seriously. The world hasn’t laid eyes on a more stunning bride,” he says softly, his cheek pressed to my temple as we slow dance.

“You clean up well, Blackwood,” I tease. “Might have to keep a tux around for personal use.”

He chuckles. “I can make that happen.”

I feel a little dizzy and sway. Thankfully, he’s holding me tight enough that he keeps me up. Though, he gives me a concerned look as he draws back slightly.

“You all right there, baby?” he asks.

“I’m fine,” I assure him with a smile.