Page 28 of Chains

We finally all arrive back at the clubhouse, the sound of all the sleds together and the wind whipping around my face has gone a long way in calming my nerves since learning about Storm.

Ky’s one of the first back, and I find him already at the bar, walking over to him.

“Hey, brother.” I greet him with a slap on the back.

“Hey, brother. Wanna join me for a drink?” He grins, showing bright white straight teeth. Ky’s his father’s son, alright, a complete chick magnet. I just hope he doesn’t have golden sperm like his old man and impregnates the whole of Briar Creek before he settles down. I chuckle at my own thoughts, and Ky looks at me with narrowed eyes.

“What’s so funny?”

“Give me a beer.” I instruct the young prospect behind the bar, taking a swig before answering Ky’s question, “I was just thinking how you and your old man are the same when it comes to women. Obviously, he’s got Everleigh now, but you’re still sowing your wild oats.”

“Damn straight I am,” he announces proudly, and I can’t help but chuckle. Ky grew up without a mom. Kick’s high school sweetheart, having been gunned down in a war with the Jackals when Ky was just a baby. Shock of all shocks, the Jackals are now our allies, since the new president of that club is Everleigh’s twin brother. Taking over as president when Jose Ramos’s men in Mexico a while back had killed her father, while we were rescuing Kick’s and Everleigh’s daughter Lily.

“I don’t intend to settle down anytime soon. I’m having too much fun.”

“Not even with that sweet little vet next door to the gym?” I test the waters. It’s been a couple of months since the woman opened her business next door to us. He’s been watching her closely, but hasn’t yet made a move.

Ky snorts. “She’s way too innocent for the likes of me, brother. I don’t wanna scare her. And believe me, with the things I’m into, she’d probably run a mile.” He takes a swig from the glass tumbler in his hands. “Let’s not talk about my love life, let’s talk about yours.”

I groan. “Let’s not.” I reply, not really wanting to talk to him about Zoe. My feelings for her are just that. Mine.

“Oh, come on brother, you’re no fair. You disappeared from the gym yesterday evening and didn’t resurface until we all were gathered at the hospital. Did you guys spend the whole time together?”

I sigh deeply; it looks as though I’m not going to get away from not answering his questions. At least some of them, anyway.

“There’s really nothing to tell.” I begin. “We spent the rest of the day at the place she shares with Lexie. As you know, Lexie was working, and I got the feeling Zoe didn’t want to be alone, so I stayed with her.”

“Zoe cooked me dinner, and then we watched a movie. We both fell asleep until Kick’s text messages woke me up.” I explain. I wasn’t going to tell him about the severe case of blue balls I had when I woke up with Zoe’s soft and sexy body wrapped around me. How we got into that position, I’ll never know.

His dark eyebrows lift in disbelief. “You two just fell asleep on the couch without getting up to anything.”

I shoulder check him, getting pissed off. “I wasn’t going to do anything with her, asshole. She’s getting over being beaten and raped by her ex-husband, for fuck’s sake. I wasn’t going to do anything to jeopardize her recovery.” At least the brother looked genuinely remorseful for spewing the bullshit he did.

“Okay, I understand that, brother. But you must’ve noticed the way she was looking at you the whole time. And you’re the only one she lets touch her.” I couldn’t help my chest puffing out with pride at his words, because I’ve noticed that too. With other men in the club, even though she’s known them for years, she’s weary. But with me, she lets me touch her anytime.

So far, it’s been all innocent, except for the dirty words I used with her. I need her to get used to me. The man I am now. Not the boy that she knew over ten years ago.

I check my phone and see that it’s almost six in the morning. I need to get some sleep if I’m going to be any good to Zoe when I see her later on today. Throwing back the rest of my beer, I stand, ignoring Sin’s wistful glance in my direction. Shaking my head, Ky and I shake hands.

He leans in and asks, “You don’t mind if I tap that, do you?” He motions towards Sin, and I almost laugh.

“Not at all, brother. Go for it. She’s nothing to me, you know that.” With that said, I go to my room, needing to sleep as I lock the door, and literally face plant onto the bed, still fully clothed.



I stretch my arms above my head and groan, feeling surprisingly rested as I slowly open my eyes and look around, frowning when I see where I am.

How did I get to my room and in my bed? It’s then that everything slowly infiltrates my still sleeping brain. Going to the gym yesterday with Lexie, seeing Chains there, Lexie leaving me there because she had to go to work. Coming home with Chains and having a meal together and watching a movie. Very domestic. Something I never thought Chains could be.

It’s strangely quiet in the house. Normally, Lexie would be up and about already getting breakfast, as she usually is at this time of the morning. But I hear nothing, and there’s no smell of coffee or bacon.

A deeper frown mars my face when I realize I’m still in the clothes I wore yesterday. The only difference is my feet are bare. The thought that Chains just practically dumped me in my bed before leaving disappointed me a little. Sliding my bare feet to the floor, I strip as I walk to the adjoining bathroom. Turning on the water as hot as I can stand it, I get in the shower, I can’t stop the sigh of relief as I wash the grime of the day off me.

Ten minutes later, deciding on a light green wrap dress, which is a perfect complement to my hair color and pale skin. Not bothering with makeup this morning, letting the freckles on my face shine brightly, even though they’ve been the bane of my existence for most of my adult life. I finally pad barefoot to the landing. My hair was still wet, but Because it was now short, I left it to air dry. I frown; the place was much too quiet.

Did Lexie even come home at all last night? I return to my room and check my phone, which has been charging on the nightstand. No messages.