There’s a feeling of foreboding that I can’t explain. So, I type out a quick message to Lexie.
Me: Hey, it’s me. Just checking in. You’re not home. Just a little worried.
Pressing send, I watch for the three little dots, which don’t come.
Thankfully, I didn’t have to wait long for a reply, as my phone rattled with an incoming message.
Lexie: Shit, I’m so sorry for not calling you to let you know I wouldn’t be home. With everything that happened, it just slipped my mind.
I grimaced. What’s going on? Instead of fiddling around with text messages, which would take way too long, I decided it was best to call her.
The phone rang a few times before she finally picked up.
“I’m safe. I spent the night at the clubhouse. Something happened to Storm, and he was taken to the hospital.” She stopped to take a deep breath, her voice hitching, and I gasp.
“He’s not…” I couldn’t even voice the word.
“Oh, no. Thank God. He’s going to be fine, but he’s going into rehab after his release from the hospital. That was a prerequisite from Kick for him to stay in the club. Otherwise, he’d be kicked out.”
“I’m so sorry that’s happened. I wish someone had woken me so I could've been there for you.”
“Don’t worry about it. Riggs, Sage, and all the guys were there.”
I opened my mouth to ask was Chains there as well, but I quickly shut it. I have no claim over his time, where he goes, and who he sees. No matter the sweet but hot words he spoke to me yesterday. I’m glad the people who mean most to her in her time of need surround her. But I needn’t have worried, because not only was Lexie my best friend, but she knew how to read my mind as well.
“Chains was there, though he arrived late. Everyone was interrogating him on his whereabouts. Apparently, Kick couldn’t reach him.” She giggles like a schoolgirl and I roll my eyes.
“Okay, well, I guess I’ll see you later than?” I reply, not willing to talk about Chains all day visit yesterday with Lexie over the phone. My words come out as a question, and I bite down on my bottom lip. Wanting to kick myself for my neediness.
“Yeah, I’ll be home in a few. I’ll see you when I get back,” she replies non-committal.
“Sure, see you then.” I ring off, and just stand there in the middle of the room, trying to get my bearings.
Filled with a restlessness I couldn’t explain, I decide to do something I probably will come to regret. Going back into my room before I change my mind; I put on the only swimsuit I own. It was a light blue one piece, with a matching kaftan type coverall over the top.
I’d noticed the swimming pool in the complex since moving in with Lexie, but until now, I’ve been able to ignore it. It was a beautiful sunny day, and I really wanted a swim.
Given it was a weekday, most of the residents were at work, and I doubt anyone would pay attention to me, anyway. Sliding my feet into a pair of white slippers, I grab a towel, my phone and keys, and with a slight trepidation, I walk to the pool area, dropping my towel on the lounger, and sitting down. Finding it deserted made me release a sigh of relief.
After a relaxing hour of swimming and emptying my mind, I dry myself off and change into my coverall. Walking back to our apartment, the sound of rustling in the bushes of the perfectly manicured garden made me freeze.
As I stood there, my ears alert and my eyes darting, attempting to decipher the sound, a little orange fluff ball emerged from beneath the blossoming bush, causing a smile to spread across my face. I walked over to it, picked it up, and then felt the sting of a small paw with sharp claws swatting at me. I bring it close to my chest; It looks up at me with wide green eyes and meows.
“Where did you come from, you little cutie?” I pose the question, as if expecting an answer, and can't contain my laughter.
I glance around, wondering where it had come from? It could belong to anyone here in the complex, But why let such a small animal outside where it can get hurt? The sensation of being watched intensifies, causing me to hastily retreat to the apartment with the kitten and lock myself in. Though too late realizing I don’t have any supplies for it. Like food, bowls, or a kitty litter tray.
Grabbing my phone, I go to call Lexie, but I don’t want to bother her with this, she has too much on her plate right now with her brother in hospital and she’ll see the little creature soon enough.
Instead, I call Chains, not willing to think too deeply about why that was. Nor the fact why I still have his number on my phone. He said if I needed anything to call him anytime day or night.
It rings a few times, before finally an out of breath Chains answers.
“Hey, little one.”
Just the sound of his voice has the power to make me come, and I swallow the lump that’s suddenly lodged in my throat as I press my legs together, enjoying the light pressure on my clit.
“Are you still there, baby?” he asks, and I quickly clear my throat.