Page 27 of Chains

Kick: Hospital ASAP. After that, Church at the clubhouse.

I stare at my phone, a frown on my face. What the fuck’s going on that we need to have Church at this hour of the night? It’s on the tip of my tongue to ask outright, but I stop myself. I’ll find out in due course.

Me: Be there in ten.

I stare down at Zoe, who’s still sleeping, bending down to kiss her lightly on the cheek, I feel guilty for having to leave her, as she barely stirs before I reluctantly leave the house, locking the door behind me. Something’s going on with the club, and I don’t like it one bit.

I arrive at the hospital within the time I said I would. I get off my bike, a feeling of dread like I’ve never felt before assails me. I walk in expecting to ask at the nurses’ station for information, but I see Kick and Tiny straight away.

The feeling that something isn’t right has grown since I left Zoe, and rode all the way back here. But for the life of me, I can’t figure out what it is.

I guess I’m about to find out. Walking into the hospital, to what can only be described as mayhem.

“What the fuck’s going on?” I demand of both Tiny and Kick, noticing that Everleigh and Sage are sitting in the waiting room also, huddled together. Even Lexie’s here, Riggs has a comforting arm around her. What the fuck’s going on?

Tiny looks at me with a haggard expression, and Kick places a hand on my shoulder.

“Good of you to show up, brother,” he replies gruffly. I want to tell him to fuck off, and where I was and what I was doing was none of his business, but I stop myself from making the biggest mistake of my life. I’ve already been given a warning; I don’t need to have my ass kicked out of the club.

“It’s Storm.” Kick lowers his voice, careful to make sure Sage and Lexie aren’t close by to hear him.

“The idiot OD’d in his room. A club girl was with him and called me immediately. I rushed over, and the ambulance was called. Thankfully, we got him back. But it’s bad. They don’t know if he’ll make it, and if he does, what the damage is.”

“Shit.” I whisper. I knew the brother was struggling since he was released from prison a few years back, but I didn’t think it was that bad. The overriding feelings of guilt overcomes me. Why didn’t I check on my brother more often? If I did, maybe this wouldn’t have happened. “And what’s the prognosis?” I add.

Both Kick and Tiny look grim. “Not good, I’m afraid. We got a pulse back, but the doc’s not hopeful. Though we’re not gonna think like that. He’s gonna get better, and once he’s recovered, I’m sending his ass straight into rehab.” Kick announces. I nod my head, but don’t voice the question to the entire room. What if he doesn’t recover? My thoughts turn to Storm’s old man, Gunner, my mentor, when I was just starting out in the club as a prospect. What would he think of his son falling so low and hooked on drugs?

“Are we allowed to see him?” I ask.

“Not yet. They’re still working on him.”

I wipe a hand down my face, sitting my ass down in a chair. Unable to believe what I’m hearing. Storm, it couldn’t be real?

“How long has it been?” I demand. Guilt overwhelming me. I was with Zoe while my brother was fighting for his life in hospital, and my brothers were here, while I wasn’t.

“Since we brought him in a few hours ago. He hasn’t woken up. I’m really getting sick of hospitals.” He spits out, jamming his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

“That’s bullshit.” I look across at the voice and see that it’s Riggs, still holding on tightly to Lexie. But he’s garnered the attention of the nursing staff as well with his outburst. I silently tell him to calm down, otherwise they’ll be within their rights to throw us out of here.

“He needs to know we’re all pulling for him.”

“We are, and I’m sure he knows it.” Tiny replies, sharing a look with Kick. “But that’s how things stand for the moment. Hopefully, they change soon enough and Storm wakes up, and he gets the help he needs.”

Just then, the double doors to the left of the waiting room open to reveal a relatively young woman doctor dressed from head to toe in scrubs. Her head is down as she writes something. I can see she’s tiny, but she has some killer curves, though her hair is covered by a cap, a face mask resting underneath her pointed chin. I can see the interest in Ky’s gaze, as he takes her in, and it’s all I can do not to roll my eyes.

“Doctor Owen, how is he?” Kick rushes toward her. I look at her name tag pinned to her scrubs and see Dr Beth Owen written on it.

She looks up and gives us a wide smile, and my heart beats a mile a minute.

“Things were touch and go for a while. I honestly thought we’d lost him. But he’s back, and actually breathing on his own. So, I’m amending what I said earlier. It looks like he’s going to be fine. He’s actually awake, but I can’t allow you to see him just yet. Maybe in a few days.”

Hoots and hollers break out around the waiting room from my brothers and their women. The doctor gives a tinkling laugh, a smile on her tired but pretty face, but sternly tells us to be quiet.

“Can we see him, Doc?” I ask. I heard when she said we couldn’t see him yet, but I was hoping she’d forgotten and would allow us in. But she turns her blue-eyed gaze to me.

“Nice try, But as I just said, not tonight. I’d like him to get some rest before he’s bombarded with visitors. And please ensure that once you can enter, you limit the number of visitors in his room to two at a time.” She warns, before walking away.

“Okay, you heard the Doc. Back to the clubhouse. We all need to get some rest.” Kick calls out, wrapping his arm around his woman’s shoulders, pulling her gently along as the rest of us follow. I watch Tiny do the same with Sage, the love in their woman’s eyes, something I also want to feel when Zoe looks at me. I know I have a lot of work to do before that happens. Before she can trust me completely. But I hope tonight went a long way in showing her how I really feel.