Thankfully, I had the sense to change into one of Bodie’s T-shirts when I went to bed, there was no communication from him since the one phone call when he heard I’d punched Sin. I was missing him terribly and wishing that I could tell him I loved him.
And now, here I am, at the mercy of this maniac. I have no idea what he’s planning on doing with me; as I shiver from the cold.
The van I was in was speeding down the highway, and I can only hope that the police stop Caleb for reckless driving before we get to wherever he was taking me. Who was I kidding, he was the police. I’m sure his buddies were willing to help him commit this crime.
As we get further and further away, I was losing all hope that anyone would ever find me again. Alive at least.
I’d estimated that we’d been driving for over two hours when finally, the van slowed, and then came to a complete stop, and my heart lodged in my throat. Had I been able to, I would have fought tooth and nail to get myself out of this mess. But as it was, all I could do was lie there when the back door opened, and Caleb stood there staring down at me with a self-satisfied smirk on his face.
He looks haggard, but I refuse to feel sorry for him. He only had himself to blame for the shit he’s started with Chains’ club.
I couldn't even kick out at him because he’d tied my ankles, and even if he didn’t, the drug was well and truly in my system and I’m immobile.
With a rough yank, he hauls me into a sitting position before pulling me bodily out of the van. In one swoop, he throws me over his shoulder, carrying me, fireman style, towards the entrance to the abandoned warehouse, his shoes crunching on the gravel under his feet.
The rain pelting down on us didn’t seem to bother him at all. But I was feeling the effects of it as I shook from the cold, my soaked T-shirt did nothing to cover my shivering body, in fact only making it see through.
I couldn’t even fight back, just lying there across his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, aware but unable to speak. I open my mouth, but the only sound that escapes is a groan I didn’t even realize I could make, as Caleb strides to a small, sealed off section in the vast warehouse.
One handed, he opens a metal door that leads into what looks to be a jail cell, dumping me unceremoniously onto the hard mattress in the corner of the tiny room. My breath whooshes out of me as he crouches in front of me.
“You try anything, and I’ll stab you and let you bleed out.” he warns, droplets of rain dripping from his hair and down his face as he retrieves a menacing-looking knife from the inside of the jacket he was wearing and cuts the ties around my ankles, at least giving me a bit of relief. I knew he’d make good on his threat—he beat me to within an inch of my life, after all. Going all stabby wouldn’t bother him.
There was no way I wouldn’t fight him had I been able to, even with a knife pointed at me, but as it is, I had to wait for these damn drugs to wear off before I could even formulate a plan of escape. And I would escape. Or I would die trying.
I want to ask how he got past everyone in the club, but I couldn’t form the words. I was getting colder, soaked through and shaking uncontrollably. I prayed that the girls and prospects stayed safe, because I would never forgive myself if any harm came to them because of me. If he so much as touched any of them, I’d pay him back for every horrible thing he has done to me and the club.
He turns, his eyes flaring hotly when he looks at me, my only covering a wet t-shirt, which has stuck to my naked body. Roughly, he pulls me towards him. His mouth crashing down on mine, and his hands all over me. There was nothing I could do except nip him with my teeth, biting his tongue as it tried to gain access past my lips.
With a sudden jerk backwards, he swiftly strikes me across the face, catching me off guard.
“Bitch! You’ll pay for that.” His eyes are angry, wild, and I wonder if he’s on something? “I’ll make sure you’re taken by one of the worst sex traffickers in the business. You’ll probably suffer, but I look forward to that. Especially knowing that there’s nothing that Neanderthal you’ve shacked up with can do about it.” He spits out the blood from the cut on his lip and tongue, flying everywhere.
“I was told to keep you in pristine condition, but you owe me for the pain and suffering you put me through having to be married to you all those years. But knowing that asshat Bodie, or sorry, Chains,” he mocks, “couldn’t have you, made it easier.”
Sex traffickers? I’ve been married all these years to a man that has ties to sex traffickers, and was never the wiser. Then it all made sense, the cars, the expensive holidays we took earlier in our marriage, the nice house. How did he pay for all that but to sell skin? I felt sick to my stomach about the whole thing.
“What do you think that little cocksucker will do when he realizes I’ve taken you to be sold to the highest bidder? He was always trying to one-up me. Well, never again, I’ll make sure he suffers for the rest of his life when he realizes you’ve gone.” He grit’s out, grabbing my arms painfully and shaking me so hard my head rolls back and forth on my neck. I was sure I would have bruises by tomorrow.
All this was about him trying to one up Bodie? Seriously? If I could, I’d roll my eyes right now. I swallow hard as he bends down, grabbing the front of my shirt, ready to rip it to shreds, and there was nothing I can do to stop any of this from happening.
As if it was a sign from above, his phone blares from the pocket of his loose jeans, and I thank whoever’s looking out for me, as he cusses up a storm before getting to his feet, walking out the cell door, closing, and locking it behind him. He moves away from the door, his voice a low whisper, effectively blocking out who he’s talking to on the phone, before quickly ringing off and turning to look back at me with a look of loathing on his face. His mood swings are giving me whiplash.
My anxiety intensifies as I ponder his intentions, desperately hoping the club will come to my rescue.
Taking a deep breath, I silently pray that Chains and the rest of the guys will discover I’m missing and come looking for me. But I also realize that I could be God only knows where, by the time they discover I’m missing.
“Get comfortable. You’re going to be here a while.” He says, before turning on his heel and striding out of the warehouse. I listen to the sound of the clapping of his shoes on the concrete before I hear the van start up, then complete silence.
Left alone, I take a deep breath and look around at my surroundings. I’m in what looks like a cage, he’d placed me on a dirty mattress in the corner and there was a bucket in the other corner. I don't want to think about the purpose of that bucket. I hope I wasn’t there long enough to find out. I was the only one here. Or so I thought.
I nestle onto the thin mattress, pulling the threadbare blanket over me, hoping to keep warm, when I hear what appears to be pained moans and whimpers. I can’t even call out to the person, but they sound like they’re in so much pain that tears run down my pale face. How many women is he holding in this place?
I'm keeping my thoughts positive, trusting that Chains and the rest of the guys will locate me soon. Those thoughts are whirling on a loop in my head when I finally fall asleep.