Page 55 of Chains

“Wow, news travels fast.”

“Especially when a club bunny gets taken down by an ol’ lady.” I blurt out without thinking, feeling all eyes on me. I don’t give her a chance to reply, hoping against hope that she hadn’t heard me properly. The topic wasn’t something we should talk about over the phone. Especially at this moment.

“Don’t worry about her anymore, she won’t bother you again.” I tell her, trying to keep my anger over what happened with Sin in check. I continue without giving her a chance to reply, and to tell me that there won’t be an us. I won’t accept it. There’s only one way this is going to go, and that’s with her being my ol’ lady. That realization had an immense weight being lifted off my shoulders.

“We’ll talk when I get back, shouldn’t be too long, little one. Stick with the other women. Can’t wait to see you, and fuck you again.” I tell her, openly. Though I was certain a blush had crept up to color her cheeks at my words, I was almost sure of it. But I wasn’t sure how lucky I would get with her once I told her what happened here tonight.

“Me too.” She whispers, before ringing off.

I return inside, ignoring the curious looks from all of my brothers, placing my fists on my hips.

“Everything alright, brother?” Kick asks, seeing me trying to keep my anger in check.

“I told Stingray to get rid of Sin.” I tell him. “She attacked my woman in the kitchen this morning.” I quickly tell the group what happened, including that she lied to me about us spending the night together; and as one, they all agree Sin will need to go.

“Send her to one of my brothels here in Dallas, I’m sure I’ll have space for her.” Kon surprises me with his offer. I nod and thank him.

Returning to the matter at hand, Kick says, “So what the fuck happened here?”

Kon looks up from the drinks cart where he’s pouring two fingers of scotch into a crystal tumbler. Running a hand through his constantly mussed up hair, he looks at each of us, his gaze stopping at me. He knows my history with Zoe, and I know this news is going to devastate her.

“I found her like that. We were supposed to meet last night, but I was too busy at the office to get away.” Kon tells us, and my heart ached for my woman, because I know the devastation she will feel once she hears the news. Even if they hadn’t got along for a while now.

“Motherfucker!” Kick spat out. “You were seeing Zoe’s mother?

Kon arches a thick, dark brow. “Fuck you, little brother, don’t pass judgement on what you know nothing about. Not everyone is lucky enough to find their person, like you have. I’m sure once I do, I’ll be monogamous with that one person. But that day hasn’t happened, so shut the fuck up about my sex life.”

Kick lifts his hands in a placating motion, though the look on his face belied his feelings. He wasn’t happy, to say the least, when he found out that Everleigh and his brother Kon had a sexual relationship before she returned to Briar Creek. I shake my head. Kon’s a known player, even though he’s still technically married to a woman that had ended up in the loony bin. Most likely because of his douchebag behavior, I think to myself, with a snort.

“So, what happens now?” I ask, changing the subject before the two brothers come to blows. Because that’s all we need. I want nothing more than to leave this place and return home to my woman.

“Now, we go to one of my clubs to relax and unwind. I’ll call a clean-up crew to get rid of this shit.” Kon announces.

Spending time in one of his clubs wasn’t something I wanted to do because I’ve already been to several of Kon’s clubs in the past and enjoyed them way too much. But since I was now with Zoe, I didn’t need that sort of temptation in my life, so I politely declined.

Kick, Tiny, and I left to find a hotel with Kon’s recommendation; we booked a few rooms at the Fairmont, in downtown Dallas. It was way over the top, but since the fucker was paying for it, I’ll go with it.

I had planned to call Zoe once I arrived at the hotel, but I was so tired, I decided it would be better that I do it once I had a few hours' sleep. I wanted to be present. Kicking off my boots, I undressed down to my boxer briefs and slid beneath the covers. Not for the first time wishing that Zoe was here with me, as I closed my eyes and almost immediately fell into a fitful sleep.



My eyes pop open when instinctively I feel something is very wrong. Even in my sleep addled brain, I can feel it. I try to scream as a weight is holding me down in my bed, my eyes go wide when I see who’s crouching above me with a sickeningly twisted smirk on his face. I fight with all I have, but he’s much stronger, and I know it’s too late when I feel a sharp prick in my neck. I try to scream and flail my arms, attempting to strike him, but they become too heavy, and suddenly, everything goes black.


I wake up and I take a moment to realize what's happening and where I am. I experience a surge of panic as my body feels weighed down, leaving me unable to lift my limbs - it's as if I am paralyzed.

I now know Caleb drugged me with something to immobilize me. I can hear and see everything, but I can’t move. Where did he get that type of drug that he used on me from? Rain swishes underneath the tires as he drives to God only knows where.

I know I’m in a van, trussed up like a Thanksgiving turkey, and he’s driving, not even paying attention to me as he hum’s something as though he doesn’t have a care in the world.

It was dark save for intermittent streetlights as we drove along what I’m guessing was the main highway. And I’m royally pissed off more than I am scared.

Waking up to seeing the face of the man that had starred in my nightmares all these months later, just lit a fire within me, and I hated I couldn’t fight back against the drug he injected in me. That I had let him overpower me.

Once the gym was up and running again, I was going to take those self-defence classes. I wouldn’t allow anyone to treat me the way Caleb treated me ever again.