Page 51 of Chains

I’d noticed it too, because that’s the exact way I look at Zoe.

Leaning forward and lowering my voice, I said.

After everything Candy has done to my brother, and now this mess with his best friend, I don't think he'll ever want to see her again. I needed to change the subject from Spider back to us. I lean forward, lowering my voice as I say, “You tired, little one?”

She hides a yawn with her hand over her mouth, “I am a bit,” she admits, a yelp escaping as I pick her up in my arms, striding towards our room.

“That’s rude. What if I wanted to meet the new girl?”

“You can see her tomorrow. She’ll most probably be staying with Sage and Tiny. She became quite attached to the big fella; he became like her surrogate father.” I tell her, unlocking the door, while still carrying my woman, before I threw her onto the bed, where she bounces a few times and comes to a stop in the middle of the mattress. Locking the door, I turn on the lamp on the nightstand, the glow of the lamp illuminating the room just enough for me to see Zoe.

I take my cut off draping it over a chair, and then I pull my T-shirt off noticing Zoe is watching me closely, throwing the T-shirt to the floor together with my jeans, until I’m standing there in my boxer briefs only, and my hard dick is trying its damnedest to escape.

Zoe licks her lips and I’m done for, as I scoop her up underneath me, and kiss her lips fervently. She gasps in surprise, granting my tongue entrance inside her mouth, as I grind my hard cock right over the burning heat of her cunt. I needed to be inside her, like right now. I make light work of her clothes, and throw them every which way in the room. Leaving her with only the matching lacy lavender color bra and panty set, I sat back on my haunches and admired her fully.

She was a fuckin’ knockout. Ten years ago, at eighteen, she was beautiful, her body was still filling out. Now, I couldn’t take my eyes off her curves.

“Bodie, please. I need you,” she cries out as I slowly lift the cups of her bra to reveal the most beautiful mounds I’d ever seen in my life. Pink capped nipples just waiting for my mouth. I dove and latched onto one, sucking it into a hard point before biting the tip. Her fingers flew to my hair, pulling it almost painfully, but I didn’t care because what she was doing only made me harder. She arches her back, shoving her tit deeper into my mouth, and I readily accommodated her bountiful flesh. Reluctantly releasing her flesh with a wet pop, I stare down into her green orbs. “Are you ready for me, little one?”



“Are you ready for me, little one?” His words create goose bumps all over my skin as a gush of moisture slid out of me and coated my already wet and ruined panties.

“Fuck me and find out.” I reply brazenly. Not understanding where this hussy had come from, but enjoying the banter. His blue eye darkened and flared at my words, and before I knew what was happening, he fisted the lacy material of my underwear and tugged viciously, ripping the delicate fabric.

“You owe me a pair of Victoria’s Secret lingerie.” I sass him, and he grins evilly, sliding out of his boxer briefs, his cock bouncing it was so long and hard. I couldn’t take my eyes of it, the almost angry looking purple head, with its pierced tip. It was almost mesmerizing.

“I’ll buy out the entire store if you want me to,” he promises and I can’t help but chuckle thinking he’s joking, but his straight face tells me he wasn’t. He’d just notched his dick at my entrance and was teasing me as he passed through my wetness and over my engorged clit when his phone beeps with an incoming message.

Lowering his head to lean his forehead against mine, cursing up a storm at the interruption.

“Ignore it.” I plead. He nods and slides slowly inside me just as another message comes in.

“Shit!” I join in the cursing, wanting nothing more than to scream in frustration.

“I have to get it. Otherwise, they’ll be blowing up my phone all night,” he says, and I sigh as he slides his dick back out of me, and I almost feel bereft.

Completely buck naked, he sits on the edge of the bed and reads the text, cursing again, the shock on his face unmistakable. Something ominous overcomes me, and I quickly sit up. Wanting to look over his shoulder to see his phone, but he moves the face away from me.

Turning to face me, he looks almost lost as his Adam’s apple bobs with the swallow he takes.

“I need to leave, little one. Something came up in Dallas that we need to take care of.”

“What? Right now? It’s barely two in the morning. What’s going on, Bodie?” I demand.

“It’s club business. You know I can’t tell you that.” He skirts around the question, and I can feel my anger flare.

“That’s bullshit and you know it.” I toss back. “Something’s going on, and I want to know what it is.”

His eyes narrow. “I’m telling you, it’s club business. Now, I have to go. Stay at the clubhouse, and don’t go anywhere without a prospect.” He instructs before getting to his feet and padding naked and barefoot into the bathroom. I’m so mad that I can’t even enjoy just how hot and sexy he is with his toned and tanned ass and muscular back.

I huff, crossing my arms over my bare chest, hating how secretive he’s being because I know something is up, and it has to do with me.

I can feel it.

Mr Boots is curled up on the end of the bed, and I grab him, cuddling him close against me. He meows in protest at being awakened, but I don’t care. I just need the comfort his tiny furry body gives me.