“Yeah, well, he’ll be glad to know I got stabbed. And I’ll be sure to let him know you had it all under control.”

“That’s not funny.”

“No, it’s not. My phone broke when Trent and I got into a fight. Now that dick shows up and I have another broken phone.”

“Thank you for being here. I’m sorry.”

“Think Wyatt had anything to do with it?”

“I don’t know. If it is him, he is really screwing with your life. Slept with your long-time girlfriend then caused you to get stabbed.”

He gently cups my cheek in his hand. “You’re okay. That’s what’s important right now.” He looks over at all the flashing lights. “Let’s go give your statement.”

The paramedics try to tend to Keaton, but he refuses to leave my side. The officer leads me over to the ambulance to give my report there, so Keaton will at least get treated in order to stop the bleeding. I’ve finished giving the report when I hear another commotion. I walk over to see my parents speaking to a group of police officers who are blocking their path. I rush to them and throw myself in their open arms. Speaking too fast for them, most likely, I tell them about the man who broke into the house. I hear ambulance sirens and turn around to see it leave my front yard, taking Keaton with it. I feel the blood drain from my face; I should have drove with him to the hospital. Daddy asks where Keaton is and I tell him what happened.

“The hospital?” My mother asks.

“He got stabbed.” I crumble and begin crying again.

My parents and I are taken immediately to Keaton’s bay in the ER. The stab wound was deep enough to require stitches. My parents make the biggest fuss over Keaton. Ten minutes later, Roland walks in. His eyes narrow on my hand on Keaton’s arm.

“Mr. Sloan. We should have you out of here in no time. If you keep it clean and use the ointment, it hopefully won’t leave a nasty scar.”

Mom is a little stiff next to Roland. I notice the side-eye she gives him. Dad smiles politely and shakes his hand. He then comes over by me and gives me a gentle pinch. I smile and look down. He points toward the door. I nod, and he continues telling Keaton how to clean and treat the wound.

When Roland walks out, I wait a few minutes and then follow, telling everyone I’m going to look for a vending machine. I spot Roland standing down the hallway. He nods with his head for me to follow as he walks farther down the hall and then through a side door. I open the door to what looks like a storage room.

“Hey,” I beam at him.

“Hello, beautiful.”

“How has your night been?”

“Not as eventual as yours, it would seem. I thought you were just going out to eat with your brother? Why was this guy at your place?”

“I have no idea! My electricity went out and he broke in.”

“No, I mean Keaton Sloan?”

“Oh. He called and while we were on the phone, some guy showed up. He came to my rescue.”

“Sorry. Didn’t realize he was now your hero.”

I step back at his harsh tone. “I don’t like the way you’re acting right now.”

Roland pinches the bridge of his nose. “I’m sorry. I’m tired and I didn’t expect to have my girlfriend comforting another guy who had been at her house while I was at work.”

“Do you think I’m messing around?”

“No. It’s my past that’s making me paranoid. Forgive me?”

I lean into him and he pecks a tender kiss on my lips. “Always.”


“Always. This is good. As long as we communicate, then always.”

Roland smiles at me and pinches my chin. “Let’s go check on your hero. Did he say who it was that was there?”