Ihaven’t told Roland the truth about everything that happened between Isabelle and me. Will he reject me? He knows about my drug addiction, obviously, and accepts that. Will he accept all of my baggage?
I open the door and my mouth waters at seeing Roland in snug designer jeans and a button up that fits him like a glove. He is the epitome of male sophistication. His timber voice greets me, “Hello Gorgeous.”
“Hi.” I step out of the way and allow him into my apartment. He goes to kiss me, but I hold up a hand. “We need to talk.”
“Oh. If my experience with women has taught me anything, it’s that no kiss followed by that statement is never good. Tired of me already?”
He follows me to the couch and keeps some distance between us as we sit. “I have to tell you something. It’s bad.” Roland nods as he gives me his undivided attention. I continue, “When Isabelle accused me of attacking her, she was telling the truth.”
“Really? Wow. Okay…”
“That’s it.”
Roland slides closer to me. “That’s it?”
“Yes. I feel horrible. It’s been eating me alive, and I think…I think I need to tell my parents. I can’t keep holding this in.”
He wraps his arms around me and pulls me on to his lap. “You could. But what would it solve?” I begin to reject but he holds a hand up. “Hear me out. Isabelle ended up getting the help she really needed after that happened. I’d say it all worked out.”
“But…I shouldn’t have….”
“Hey. She’s better. She’s doing a lot better. If you’d confessed, all they would’ve focused on was that you’re a Randall and the feud. Instead, they focused on the fact that Isabelle was with a rough crowd that no one knew about and she was abusing drugs. You saved her.”
“I wouldn’t go that far.”
“I would. Let it go. This is going to be a dark part of your history—but it’s history. Leave well enough alone.”
“It doesn’t feel right, Roland. I don’t know how much longer—” The words get lodged and I clear my throat. “I can’t. I can’t anymore.”
“Sshhh. Look. Let me first look around for a good attorney and see about what you’d be facing if she did try to press charges. Trust me on this. But listen, you’re not a bad a person. And Isabelle is going to come out better from this. I know it sounds crazy, but she’s actually doing really well.”
A smile tugs at my lips as he squeezes me tighter to him. He accepted it. He didn’t look at me with shock or shame. Roland would know better than anyone how Isabelle is now.
I don’t know how I’ll tell my parents about him. I’ve always hated being in the shadow of my siblings, but at least now I have Roland to be in there with me. Someday we’ll dance in the light, but for now, I’m happy where I am. I feel a little at peace, and it’s all thanks to Roland.
My classes end for winter break, and I can’t put off going home any longer. My parents are planning a huge Christmas party this weekend. I arrive home, but Mom and Dad aren’t there. Mom is out getting party supplies, and Dad is at a job site. A little part of me wonders if Keaton is also there.
I change into my basketball shorts and my favorite jersey. I text Trent and Alice that I want to play a game of basketball and I’ll meet them at the gym. I’m surprised when I walk in and I find Keaton at the weights. I check in at the desk and then walk over to him. He pulls his earbuds out and offers me a closed-lip smile. My eyes quickly scan his glistening body. He’s wearing a tank that’s sticking to him. Normally, I’d find this gross on a guy, but not on Keaton Sloan.
“What are the odds we’d run into each other here? I mean, you obviously visit here frequently.” I gesture toward his muscles and realize that I just made that awkward. “I came to play a little ball.” I hold up my basketball. “Wanna join?”
He grabs a towel and wipes his face and the back of his neck. He stands and indicates for me to lead the way. I notice a couple of fading bruises on his face but hold back any remark. We enter the empty basketball court, and I immediately begin dribbling up the court and take a shot. I love the sound of the ball hitting the net. Swoosh. I take the ball and bounce it over to Keaton. “Let’s see what you got?”
“Why didn’t you call me? Or text me back?” Keaton catches the ball and dribbles.
“I did. I messaged and called you a lot, before your message.”
He lets out a humorless chuckle. “Then you know I never got those. Try telling me now why you didn’t text after you found out why I hadn’t answered those messages or calls.”
“Keaton.” I catch the ball and hold it. “You left me, okay? I threw myself at you.”
“What was I supposed to do? Your family was not going to let us have any contact until they had a chance to calm down. I saw what Noah and Alice went through. We weren’t in the right place.”
“And we’re still not. Let’s just play.”
“Sure, Randall. I’ll play with you.” He smirks. “Let’s see what ya got, Princess.”