To anyone reading this, I sound like a confident young woman chasing my dreams and falling in love. It’s all another pretty lie. They probably think it’s a bad boy who I’m talking about. No, my desire is far more forbidden. It’s a bad man.

That night when I go back to my computer, I have messages from followers of my blog. This is the first time that’s happened and I’m bouncing in my seat.


@FashionPrincess YES! I love pink leather. I have that same jacket <3 My parents hate my boyfriend. They’re coming around tho. Maybe urs will too!


@FashionPrincess I’m a denim fan. A distressed light denim jacket over my dresses are my fave. I thought my parents would be upset over my girlfriend. But turns out, they were very accepting of me being a lesbian. You never know. Hope it works out.


@FashionPrincess A forbidden love is the most exciting. It’s a better high than any drug.

Seven? Immediately my palms become sweaty. I feel like my clothes are suddenly too tight and itchy. I read it again. Seven. No, no, no. I fidget in my chair and bite my thumbnail as I stare at the name. That’s a unique name to choose, isn’t it? No. It’s not. No. But he said drug…but that’s a common expression. I swallow and rush to my kitchen. I grab two pills and toss them into my mouth. I don’t waste time with getting a glass, I rush to the sink and cup my hands to fill with water.

That’s not the drug dealer Seven messaging me on my fashion blog. It can’t be. Nobody even knows it’s me, or so I thought.