“How observant of you, Doctor. Maybe because you’re trying to rat me out to my mom.”

“You told me to call them. I thought it was a cry for help. Maybe you want them to know.”

“Why are you bothering me?”

“Because you’re a young woman addicted to drugs. You’ve not taken any more of the pills, have you?”

“No, I haven’t. And guess what? I’m fine.”

“Don’t lie to me. I can hear it in your voice. I bet you’re sweating. Put our call on FaceTime. Let me see you.”


“I already know I’m right. I’d still like to see you, though.”

“Go see your wife.”

“She doesn’t want to see me. Our marriage…I don’t want to sound like a cliché, but I jumped into a marriage with her too quickly. My first wife divorced me while I was in medical school. I met Amira, and she seemed to understand me. Until she didn’t. She changed after the twins were born.”


“Do you know what it’s like to be surrounded with family but nobody gets you?”


“To feel alone? Defeated and unable to explain yourself? Sometimes those little two pills are all that keeps me going.”

I get it. That’s exactly how I feel. “But—what are those little pills?”

“For your own protection, I can’t tell you.”


“Denise, I know you’re involved with drug dealers. What if you sold the drugs I gave you? You can’t sell if you don’t know what you have. Let me help you. Just trust me.” We’re silent. I’m not as naïve as he thinks I am, I know he is stretching this. “That’s a little farfetched, Roland.”

“Do you trust me?”


“Good. And I like that you finally gave me an honest answer. Now let me share a little honesty with you. You shouldn’t trust anyone.”

I gulp. “I don’t even trust myself.”

“All the more reason for you to focus on getting better. Get some rest. I’ll check on you again tomorrow.”

Click. Feeling utterly defeated, I take two pills out of the bottle. My body is coiled tightly with anticipation. I toss them into my mouth and chase it down with water. Immediately, my body begins to relax. That night, I sleep the best I have in days.

Hello all you beautiful people!

I hope you all are having a wonderful day! I know life can get crazy and sometimes knock us down, but we always have to get back up. Know that I’m cheering for you. Also, a great outfit can always cheer you up ;) There’s something about just that right fit that makes you feel like a new person. Or maybe you need one that offers the warmth and comfort to hug you through the day. If I wear the right heels and dress, I swear I can conquer the world. And you can too! You can conquer whatever you’re going through. Read that again.

Positivity and determination never go out of style, kind of like denim and leather.

Do you love denim or leather jackets? I personally am obsessed with light-colored leather jackets over dresses. That’s been my new look as of late. Check out this white and pink floral strapless dress with a soft pink leather jacket! What do you think? Show me your favorite looks!

On a personal note, have you ever liked someone you knew you shouldn’t? Somebody you knew your family would freak out about? A forbidden love? Did you give into your desire, even though you knew it was wrong?

The Fashion Princess Blog