After Keaton left, I called Trent to see if he really had called Keaton. Maybe all this has been a weird coincidence. Seven is still out there. He’s not Wyatt, since he came back clean.

“Did it ever occur to you that Wyatt is trying to shift the focus on Keaton to cover his own tracks? That sounds more logical. Keaton’s an idiot, but not stupid enough to stab himself for a girl. You’re a catch and all, but let’s be real.”

I change the subject and we enjoy the rest of our lunch. Caleb begins to get fussy, so Rachel announces that it’s time for them to leave. “It’s most definitely nap time. Sorry to cut this short. Coffee in the morning?” I nod, and she smiles. “Good. Alice will be there because we need to go over ideas for our fourth book.”

Caleb lets out a loud whine, urging Rachel to pick up the pace. I stand up as well, offering to carry the diaper bag. Once he’s safely strapped in, she hands him his favorite puppy toy, which immediately calms him. She shuts the door and turns to embrace me in a hug. “See you in the morning.”

I watch them drive away before I get in my car. I turn the key and start my music. As an upbeat tune fills my car, I hum along and pull out of the parking lot. As I drive down the street, I begin to sing louder and sway to the music. I pull up to a red light and stop. I turn up the music and belt out the lyrics. Feeling eyes on me, I cut my eyes to find the gentleman in the car next to me openly staring. Maybe he’s not so much of a gentleman. It’s rude to stare. I smile and give him a head nod. Enjoying the show, buddy? While at the red light, I take out my phone to text Keaton.

Me: I’m sorry.

KEATON: About what?

Me: Everything.

KEATON: Don’t worry about it.

Me: Did you pretend to like me?

KEATON: Did my kisses seem like pretend?

Me: That’s not what I asked.

The light changes to green, and I wave goodbye to my spectator. I pull into the next parking lot. I need to finish this conversation.

KEATON: I don’t kiss people I don’t like. Nothing was pretend. Ever.

Me: What about my birthday?

KEATON: Do you think I had Noah get on stage to piss you off? Another elaborate set up, perhaps?

I send him the middle finger emoji.

Me: No. I meant the gift.

KEATON: Afraid I’m still expecting something in return?

Me: No. It was thoughtful. Really thoughtful.

What am I doing? I’m leading this conversation somewhere it doesn’t need to go. I want to know how Keaton really feels about me. I’ve had a huge crush on him, denied it, then threw myself at him. He’s seen me at my worst and saved me, but we can’t have anything right now. We can’t. I’m not sure what Roland and I are at this point, and I don’t even know if Keaton still has feelings for me.

Me: Thank you. I wanted to tell you thank you is all.

KEATON: Could’ve said that without all the questions.

Me: You’re mad at me. I’m sorry.

KEATON: I’m past that.

KEATON: I’m done.

Me: Oh, sorry I just didn’t believe everything a guy that tried to blackmail me said.


Me: Really? Because I questioned you?

I sit there waiting, but he doesn’t respond.