The house has been turned into a dazzling winter wonderland. I feel like a princess in my soft chiffon dress. It’s a Grecian Goddess style dress that has layers of the softest material. What nobody knows is this dress is my own design. I love fashion, but I’m afraid I’ll be seen as a joke. Any compliment I get on this dress tonight will be because people genuinely like it. Not because I said ‘I made it’ or Mom goes around blasting it to everyone, almost making them feel obligated to compliment my dress.

I descend down the grand staircase and the sweet smell of fresh baked sugar cookies is in the air. There’s a whole buffet set up. Servers mingle through the crowd with trays of goodies. As I’m walking down the stairs, my eyes connect with Keaton. He looks absolutely gorgeous in a tux. I smile widely and am relieved when he returns it. His adorable dimple makes my insides turn to goo.

My foot just hits the landing when Kamila Jamerson steps into view.

“My, my. Don’t you look stunning, little princess?”

“Mrs. Jamerson. Thank you.”

“Don’t let my husband see you. He’d break his neck trying to get his arms around you for a ‘hug.’” She rolls her eyes and takes a sip of her champagne. “Speaking of husbands, have you heard about the mega couple doctors getting a divorce?”

I feel the color drain from my face. “Excuse me? I don’t pay attention to town gossip.”

She smirks. “Well you should. Doctor Roland Hall, you remember him? Doctor Amira Hall is divorcing him. I hear he has a wandering eye and hands.”

“Oh no. They have children too.” My voice sounds fake to my own ears, but I pray she doesn’t detect it.

“They do. I figured you’d heard.”

“Why? Why would I know anything?”

“Why? Because your mother has taken Amira under her wing?”

“Oh. Well, we don’t discuss those matters.”

“I suppose not, especially after that dreadful break-in. Glad you’re alright. Who on earth would do such a thing? Made any enemies recently? Thank goodness none of my children are around because we know they’d be the first accused.”

Is she already drunk? I give her a small smile and ease away. The only enemy I have right now it seems is Seven and… what if Amira knows? Surely not.

“Denise.” I turn around to the sound of a sultry female voice. Amira. Of course Mom invited her. Like Kamila had said, Mom’s taken her under her wing since she moved here.

“Doctor Hall. It’s a pleasure to see you again.”

“This dress. It’s simply exquisite.” Her long, delicate fingers gently trace the stitching on my shoulder straps. “Who is the designer? I’d love to look into ordering one in my size. I have a charity function in the spring and will need something dressy.”

My mouth opens and closes. “The designer?”

“Yes, Dear. What brand is this dress?”

“It’s a Denise.”

“Oh, how lovely. I already love the name.” She gives me a genuine smile. “Is there a website or do any stores carry this line?”


“Did you custom order?”

“Yes…” I draw the word out on a squeak. I lick my lips and then lean toward her. “I made this dress.”

Amira’s gorgeous brown eyes widen. “You did? Why are you whispering? This is incredible! I love it. Design me a dress. Please? I’ll pay you, of course.”

“I don’t know…”

“Nonsense. I have to have one. When can I come for measurements?”

I’m taken aback. Roland’s ex-wife wants me to design her a gown? Amira is clearly a woman with class and style. She’s also my current boyfriend’s soon-to-be ex-wife. Does she know? Is this a trick? Heat begins to prickle at my neck. Sweat gathers at my temple. I forgot to take a pill before I came down. Roland had managed to sneak me two when I went and met him for coffee. I didn’t take anything, and I’m beginning to feel restless.