“Why are you?”

“What?” Tiffany asks in confusion.

She’s being difficult. I sigh dramatically. In a much too loud voice, I say, “Gosh, it’s not that big of a deal that I’ve never been downtown. But if you want to go, we can. I know it’s my birthday, but I want us all to have a good time.”

Tiffany crosses her arms. “Gee, really Dee? You mean it? We can go?”

She could’ve upped the enthusiasm, but I’ll take it.

“Yeah.” I look around. “Is that cool with you ladies?”

Everyone is up for going. As we are walking out, Samantha comes up and nudges me. “Do you have the hots for one of the guys?”

I cringe. “No! Where did you ever get that idea?”

“Good, because they’re too old for you. Seriously.”

“Wait, what? Most of them are only like four or five years older. One might only be three years older. That’s not too old.” Not that I like any of them. Gosh, she would freak if she knew I was also texting a guy who was almost fifteen-years older.

Samantha stares at me for a while. “I guess not. They just seem so much older since we weren’t at school the same time.”

I roll my eyes and decide I’m not going to waste my night trying to convince her. Besides, at least she doesn’t suspect that I’m concerned with finding Keaton, specifically. Wait—no I’m not. Luckily, I don’t have to depend on her to suggest figuring out where the guys are. It’s Rachel who comes to the rescue.

I’ve always liked her—not really. When I first heard Trent was the father, I kind of hated both of them for bringing shame and embarrassment to the family. Then I realized I just hated everyone and got over it. Now, I’m starting to see that I don’t hate everyone, only myself. But I’m not going to focus on that right now.

It’s my birthday. I’m going to focus on how Rachel is wanting to go downtown. At this rate, I may like her more than Alice. She’s definitely placed higher than Samantha.

Rachel sashays by, smiling at all of us. “Let’s go see what the guys are up to. We don’t have to stay with them, but it might be fun to drop in on them.” I couldn’t agree more.

“Oh stop. You just want to make sure no one is all over Trent.” Alice pushes her out the door laughing.

I hop in the car with Alice, Rachel, and Samantha. I wave bye to the other girls in our group as they get in a separate car. As we drive, I try to discretely powder my nose and apply lipstick. I also pop a mint in my mouth and add a little perfume. When the car is parked, I stuff everything back inside my purse and slide out.

We enter the crowded bar and find the guys easily enough at a pool table. Rachel and Alice sneak up behind their men and wrap their arms around them. Jeff and Keaton are smiling while watching the interaction. Keaton looks over at our group and our eyes lock. He says something to Jeff and they go back to focusing on their game. I make my way closer to the table.

I try to make my voice come off casual. “Room for one more to play?”

Jeff says, “Yeah.” While Keaton says, “No.”

Jeff looks back and forth between us and gives a knowing smile, as he hands me the pool stick. “Take my spot. I need to call and check on Tara.”

I should’ve asked him how she’s doing. Alice was telling me during our painting session that Tara is seven months pregnant with their first baby. I let Jeff go and decide I’ll ask when he returns.

Keaton takes a shot but misses. He doesn’t look at me when he tells me it’s my turn. Purposely, I lean forward to give him a full view of my cleavage. I hit the white ball and knock two solids into the holes. Then I walk around the table to the side where he’s standing. Instead of walking behind him, I slide in between him and the table.

“What are you doing here?” he asks.

“Hanging out with friends. Out for a drink. Same as everyone else.”

“Here. What are you really doing over here?”

“I felt like playing a game.”

I bend over directly in front of him and position my rear against him. I’m about to strike the ball when I feel his strong hands land on my waist. I jerk slightly and miss.

“You’re playing a dangerous game right now.” His voice is husky.

“Pool seems harmless.”