“Don’t tease me.”
I turn around and smile. “I would never.”
Jeff returns, so I walk around and give him back the pool stick.
“How’s Tara?”
The smile that spreads across his face melts my heart, as he says, “She’s doing great. She just—glows. I honestly didn’t think she could get more beautiful.”
“Congratulations. Tell her I said hi.”
Before Jeff can respond, Keaton grumbles, “Have you ever even said hi to Tara yourself?”
“What the hell, man?” Jeff asks. He looks back at me. “Thank you, Denise. I will.”
Instead of giving that dipshit Sloan another minute of my time, I go join my friends. They order a round of drinks. I get my Appletini, and we all clink glasses. We laugh and joke until our second round of drinks arrive. My friend, Jennifer, grabs my hand and we head out on the dance floor. I reach for Samantha, but she moves her hand out of my grasp refusing to join us on the dance floor. It’s so crowded on the floor that I get separated from Jennifer and lose her in the crowd. I spin around and come face to face with Kamila Jamerson. What the hell?
“Mrs. Jamerson?”
“Denise. What are you doing downtown?” She looks around me and the dance floor.
“It’s my birthday.”
“Oh? Happy birthday. Isabelle’s is coming up soon as well. I guess she’ll spend hers…inside a room.”
I try to keep my face stoic and turn the conversation back around to her. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m on my way to the restroom. If you’ll excuse me.”
I back into the crowd of people to make room for her to pass. I watch her slink through the crowd. What on earth is that debutante doing out in a bar downtown? She was probably wondering the same about me. Before I can think more on it, a lanky guy, about my age, comes up next to me. He’s cute enough, so I smile, encouraging him to dance with me. He slides up behind me and places his hands on my hips. When the song is over, I ease away, hoping he’ll get the hint that I’m finished with him. Rachel comes out to the floor and hands me another drink.
We dance together until another guy around my age joins us. He’s extremely handsome and dressed in ripped denim jeans and a plain black fitted shirt, but it’s very fashionable. I like it. I refuse to think about how it reminds me of something Keaton would wear. Rachel winks at me and eases out of the way. For a second, I fear he was there for her and is going to follow her. He doesn’t, though. I’m ashamed at how excited I am that someone like him chose to stay with me, instead of following the gorgeous woman who walked away.
However, after the song ends, he pulls away from me. I turn around to look at him and ask his name, but he’s already retreating. My heart sinks and I wonder what I did wrong?
“May I?” I turn around to find Roland. He’s dressed in grey dress pants that are far too nice for this environment. His crisp maroon button up is tucked in and rolled up at the sleeves, with a few buttons left open showing off his strong collarbone. “Happy birthday.” He places a hand on my hip and then takes my hand. His eyes sweep around the crowd and then he maneuvers us toward the dark shadows of the bar. “Sorry to steal you away. I couldn’t resist though.”
“You ran off my dance partner. What if I liked him and wanted his number?”
Roland’s grip on me tightens slightly. “You need someone who isn’t going to cower and run away with his tail between his legs. Let someone try to steal you away from me.”
A shiver runs through me. I’ve never had anyone speak to me with so much possessiveness. Red flags flash in the back of my mind, but a part of me actually likes it. I avoid meeting his eyes before he sees how he’s affecting me. “You’re pretty light on your feet.”
“I’m pretty good with my footwork.” He agrees, as he takes the final step to completely invade my space. “But I’m even better with my hands.”
“Why are we dancing in the shadows?”
“Why?” He has the decency to look sheepish. “I’m married. You’re half my age. Your family would crucify me for stealing their princess.” Because I’m his secret as much as he is mine.
“I’m used to dancing in the shadows. At least now I’m not dancing by myself.”
Half his face is casted in the dark while the other half is illuminated by neon lights. His dark eyes flash with heat. His hands hold me firmer as his voice comes out gravelly. “I’ll be your dance partner for as long as you’ll let me. You’ll never dance alone again.”
“As long as we’re in the shadows?”
“Unfortunately. For now, it can only be in the shadows.” He leans his cheek against my temple and whispers in my ear, “But I’ll still be there. I’ll be in the shadows with you. To hold you in the darkness.”
He smells divine and his body feels so warm and solid, an anchor to hold me and keep me from flying off the deep end. Roland starts to pull back. I let go of his hand, so I can wrap both arms around him. I pull him tighter against me.