Page 16 of Unspoken Vows

I stop talking because she gets up and starts marching toward the door. “I’m going to kill him,” she snarls.

I follow her. “Tiger,” I murmur, wondering how I can get her to calm down.

“Is he at the club right now?”

“It’s early, but probably. E-Z has the prospects cleaning.”

“Good, maybe I can find a mop handle to stick up his fucking ass.”

I laugh, but I do it while following her. Weasel is an idiot, but he’s strong. If he tries to touch her, I’ll step in and stop it before it gets out of hand. She practically marches over to the club. I’m enjoying following her and it might make me a bastard, but I’m finding that Lennox’s ass can almost hypnotize me when she moves.

The men at the door are instantly on alert, probably picking up on her anger. It’s rolling off her in waves. “Get out of my way,” she snaps. They look over at me and I nod, giving them the okay. “Don’t look at him. It’s me you need to worry about. Let me in there. I have a prospect’s ass to kick.”

The men look over at me again but let her enter. I follow close behind her with a smile on my face. It takes a minute for my eyes to adjust to the club lighting when we get inside. Apparently, it doesn’t take Lennox quite as long. She’s already zeroed in on her target and is walking straight to him.

Weasel turns around, leaning on a broom handle and grins at her. Proving he’s an idiot who cannot read the room—or the anger that Lennox is emitting—he decides to open his mouth. “Hot Stuff! You’re early. Did you bring some friends like I asked?”

“Did you tell the club that you fucked me, Weasel?”


“You fucking asshole. Did you tell everyone here that I let you fuck me?” she yells.

“I—Well, you did. There’s no shame in it, baby. You like what I got to offer. We can have a go here tonight if you want. I know the others would like a taste of you, too.”

At this point, I’m walking over, pissed beyond words. I’m going to put this motherfucker in his place. I’m about halfway to him when Lennox strikes, and I stand still and watch. E-Z and Brick come over to where I am, but I don’t take my eyes off the woman in front of me as she brings back her fist. Weasel proves he’s not smart because he stands there and laughs. Lennox makes this move where you think she’s going to hit him in the face, but pulls back, quickly shifting and delivers the blow to his cut. My nerves are on end as I start to spring forward. She’s a woman and Weasel has muscle. There’s no way that hit will make a difference. She’s liable to hurt herself, and I can’t allow him to hurt her.

E-Z grabs me, not letting me move forward. “Think the lady has some shit she needs to work through,” he says calmly.

I pull against him but stop when Weasel bends over, grasping his stomach. What the hell?

“Girl has skills. Not many people know exactly where to hit the stomach like that,” Brick praises.

I don’t respond, because I’m watching as she grabs the broom, wielding it like a weapon in some kind of martial arts movie. She twirls it and then brings it up between Weasel’s legs, connecting so hard that the man immediately falls to his knees and begins vomiting.

“Fucking hell,” E-Z practically purrs.

“I didn’t fuck you. I didn’t even kiss you and I never would, you moron!” she growls. “You disgust me. I know your type. I have too much self-worth than to sleep with a one-pump chump.”

“Damn, this girl is making me hard,” Brick says.

“Join the club,” Shadow adds, walking over to us. I calm down slightly. I decide to hold off until I see what else my woman wants. She’s earned the right to call out the asshole. I’ll make sure she’s safe while doing it.

“If I ever hear you spreading shit about me again, I’ll come back and gut you. You don’t know much about me, but believe I can carry through on my threats, Weasel,” she threatens.

I watch her, and I believe she could do it, too. This is not an idle threat at all. My Lennox has some hidden talents. I’m going to have to find out more about her—that’s for damn sure.

“I’m going to kill you, you fucking bitch,” Weasel heaves, trying to get up on his feet.

“What did you say?” she asks, as if she’s daring him to repeat it.

“I said I’m going to kill you,” he roars.

Iron is right there, and as a patched member, I expect him to react. He’s one of the few I trust. He hasn’t let me down. Iron doesn’t get a chance to help, however. It happens so fast that I can’t even believe what I’m seeing. Lennox spins around, her hand moves under Iron’s cut, somehow popping the button on his holster, while grabbing his gun with the ease of a practiced professional. She has the barrel of the gun pointed at Weasel’s temple in the blink of an eye. She holds him by his hair, forcing him to submit. It’s actually a work of art, seeing how she maneuvers her body so that he can’t use her weaknesses to get the upper hand. Lennox has been trained and trained heavily.

“If you so much as try to breathe the same air as me, I will end you. You won’t even see me coming before it’s too late. In fact, I’m so pissed at you right now that I might just do it for the hell of it. I’ll visit you while you sleep and slice your throat open and leave you to bleed out.” Before Weasel can respond, she throws the gun up, catches the barrel and slams it into the side of his head.

Weasel goes down like a pile of bricks. Lennox hands Iron’s gun back to him, which he takes slowly. He’s as stunned as the rest of us. She dusts herself off and finally looks at me. I can see a moment of worry moving over her face before she hides it. “I need a drink,” she announces.