“Prospect,” E-Z booms. “Get the lady a drink.”
“You got it, Boss,” the man responds, and Lennox slowly walks over to us. “What will it be?”
Lennox frowns. “Whiskey, neat.”
He pours it, putting it in front of her. She lifts it up, gives me a wink, and downs it in one gulp. “Can we go finish our burgers now?” she asks me.
“You and I are going to have to talk, Tiger,” I murmur, realizing she’s right. That name does fit her a lot more than kitten.
“Eventually, but right now, I’m hungry.”
“Then, we’ll go eat.”
She walks in front of me. I give E-Z a look and he slightly nods. We’re going to have to research Lennox fully. I put that worry behind me for now, even as I consider the fact that maybe she’s using me, just like she used Weasel… to get inside the club. Things just got a fuck of a lot more complicated.
Chapter 10
I fucked up.
That’s all I can think about as we finish eating our dinner. Ghost has barely spoken. When we got back here, I grabbed the black sheets and was going to make his bed. He yanked them out of my hands and picked up a pair of red ones instead. He helped me make the bed, but still didn’t say a word. Then, we ate our dinner—also in silence.
Yes, I truly fucked up.
How many times did my father warn me that my temper was going to interfere with my goals? He’s not wrong. I know that. I just couldn’t stop myself. I force myself to remain calm and remind myself I planned on things like this happening. I have contingency plans in place—of course I do—I just never planned on having to use them. Yet here I am. There’s not a hope in hell that Ghost isn’t going to question me. I just hope Giles did indeed come through with my ID and background. Thank God the man never messes up my orders. He takes special care with everything I give him. Still, when I look at Ghost, I worry. Part of it is because I hate lying to him. It’s not what I want to do. I realize I’m starting to care for him, which scares me. It’s not like I know him that well.
One night of hot sex does not a relationship make.
I smile because that’s the way me, Teddy, and Roberta would talk from time to time. Roberta was employed as our nanny when we were smaller. She’s the only person who ever handled us with care. In hindsight, that was bad for her because my father had her killed. He felt she was a weakness I couldn’t afford.
“You want anything else to drink?” I ask Ghost to break up the silence.
“I’m good,” he answers, shaking his head.
“Okie-dokie,” I mutter, picking up our garbage from the takeout and taking it to the kitchen to throw in the garbage. I lean on the island as I look over at Ghost. He’s staring straight at me. I can see his mind working from here. His eyes are giving him away. “Listen, I know you said you wanted me to stay tonight, but I’m tired and that whole thing with Weasel left a bad taste in my mouth. So, I’m going to skedaddle. You don’t have to drive me home. I’ll call for an Uber.”
He remains silent, which doesn’t make me feel a bit better. I grab my wristlet clutch off the top of the island and head toward the door. My hand is on the doorknob before I feel Ghost’s hand clamp down on my shoulder. A gasp leaves my lips as he spins me around. My heart stops mid-beat before it stutters to beat again.
“You have secrets,” he growls. I push down the panic, refusing to let it rise inside of me.
“Don’t we all?”
“Always answering questions with questions. You won’t stay hidden from me, Lennox,” he warns.
“My secrets are my own. They have nothing to do with you,” I refute.
“We’ll see. We’re going to spend tonight in my bed and you’re going to answer my questions and in return, I’ll answer yours. Think of it as that game twenty questions—just the X-rated version.”
His words are little more than a whisper against my ear as he pulls me into his body. I swallow nervously as I force my gaze upward so I can see his face. “X-rated version?” I ask, my voice trembling.
“You’re going to give me your answers with my dick shoved so deep inside of you that you’re going to taste me for months,” he vows, and I feel a gush of wetness flood against my panties. I’m so wet that it would be embarrassing if I didn’t know that he could make good on his promise.
“What happens if I refuse to answer them?”
“Then I’ll punish you until you give me what I want.”
My nipples are painfully hard as my shirt caresses against them. God, he has me halfway to an orgasm, and he has yet to touch me. “And if I say no?”