With me still frozen and her hand firmly covering her eyes, she answered in an adorable squeak that did nothing to temper my hard-on. “Ho Chi Minh City, also known as Saigon, this year.”

My brother looked between me and Willa and that's when I knew I was dead meat. I recognized the how-much-fun-can-I-have-torturing-my-little-brother glint in his eyes. As if we'd just run into her at the fucking mall or something, he said, all nonchalant, “That's cool. Just get in?”

Willa pressed her lips together and if her hand hadn't been covering her eyes, I'd bet she was doing that one-eyebrow raise of annoyance. I wasn't the only one with an older brother who knew how to be a D-bag. But with her well-honed give-no-shits attitude, which I found sexy as hell, she replied, “No. A couple of days ago. Could you, uh, grab that cat and hand him over the fence to me? I need to give him his medication.”

Flynn glanced at the cat, looked at me, and winked. “No can do, Willabean. I don't think it likes me. Hayes? You got this?”

“Don't call her that. She hates it.” I'd seen her punch a lesser man, a.k.a. her brother Xander, for a similar offense. And when a woman set a boundary, it should be respected. I'd never once called her Willabean, even if I thought it was cute as shit. She was cute as… no she was freaking beautiful.

Flynn smiled and took another bite of cereal and crunched it a whole lot louder than necessary. If I didn't do something immediately, she and I were both going to be subjected to Fun Time with Flynn for a whole lot longer.

I willed my erection to go down, which it did not, and trucked over to the fence. I lifted the furball, who had legit started purring, up to her face to block her view. “Here's your cat, sorry about the show and Flynn being a dick.”

“Thanks, for catching Seven... and, you know, the show.” She kept her eyes closed as she took the cat, but I definitely noticed a grin and her cheeks got all pink. Was she flirting with me? “And that's what older brothers are for. I think they get paid extra for being asshats.”

“We do,” Flynn shouted, but he was already walking back into the house. “You're welcome.”

Her cat was called Seven? Kind of a weird name. But we weren't ones to talk. Every dog we'd ever had was named Bear. All of them. I think my dad thought we wouldn't notice when one went over the rainbow bridge if he replaced it with a close look-alike and started calling it by the same name.

Willa stepped down off whatever she was standing on to get her head above the top of the fence. I was tall enough to see into her backyard, but she was a shorty-short pants. I don't think she'd grown an inch since she'd been the tallest girl in the sixth grade. By seventh, she was just average, and I'd shot well past her by eighth. Not, you know, that I'd kept close track of that or anything. She'd been the sister of one of my high school teammates, so no flirting, dating, or even thinking about her allowed.

Even though I should be hightailing it back inside my house, I wasn't ready. But how exactly did one flirt with the previously off-limits girl next door while naked? “I'll murder him later so he won't bother you again.”

Right. Yep. Nothing said flirty banter like death and dismemberment.

“Nah, that's okay. We'd be weak little baby birds if we hadn't grown thick skins because of them. But thanks anyway.” She paused for a moment and I should have said something else.

A thousand ideas flipped through my mind, none of which made it out of my mouth. Girls didn't usually want to talk about Everett's total rushing yards, Chris's average yards per pass attempt, or Declan's sack record. I could tell her about the humorous science book about cadavers I'd read on the plane home from our last game and ask her what she'd read lately. But that would mean more talk about dead people.

What the hell was wrong with me? This was why I never had a girlfriend. Shit.

“See ya around, Hayes.”

Would she? I definitely wanted to see her.

I hadn't seen much of her since we graduated, and now I couldn’t look away. Back then, I was off to DSU to play football and she went to locations far and wide. She'd only come home to Colorado a few times since then. And, in fact, it was usually in the summer for her and Xander's birthday. This was October.

Willa Rosemount had always been my type, with thick thighs and an ass that didn’t quit. But in the past few years, she’d grown even curvier. When had she gotten so damn hot? This hard-on wasn’t going anywhere if I kept thinking about her like that.

Say something else to her, dumbass. “You home for a while?”

At least that time I didn't sound like an idiot. Nary a mention of death. The question even implied I was hoping to see her again. Shit. Did that even sound flirty? Ten seconds trying to talk to the cute and curvy girl next door and every brain cell I'd ever had melted away into the ether. Or maybe they'd all gone south.

My erection wasn't any closer to going down, and I was well beyond the excuse of morning wood. The longer I stared at her, the harder I got. Yeah, this was all fucking for her and those luscious curves that were going to be starring in all my fantasies.

I was going to have to take care of business in the shower this morning just so I could walk around like a normal person all day. Until I saw her again.

“Not sure. I'm just on a short break from my teaching gig. Gonna hang with the Guncles at the coffee shop for a bit.” Didn't sound like she was entirely happy about that. I wondered if there was more to the story than I was getting in a chat over the fence.

“I'll be sure to stop by for a coffee.” The right words came out, but I didn't know whether to smile or look serious.

Willa turned back to her house, the cat in her arms, looking over her shoulder at me and our eyes held for one breath, two, three. She licked her perfect lips, pulling my gaze from her eyes, and I so wanted to know what her mouth would feel like to against mine. My eyes traced down and over her body, greedily taking in every thick bit of her to commit to memory… for later. My dick was very much in favor of that line of fantasies and hardened even more if that was even possible.

“You should probably put some clothes on first.” She gave me a suggestive little eyebrow waggle that sent electricity down my chest and stomach. “Unless you became a nudist or something. Stranger things have happened.”

She went into the house, and I stood there staring like a weird, naked stalker for far too long. Willa Rosemount was the last person I thought I'd be showing my junk to this morning. Man, she looked good. Still cute as pie, but there was something more to her now. Had her hips always swayed like that?

Or was I just horny as hell and as likely to fantasize about video game characters as I was about the girl next door? Both, both were happening at the same time. I could definitely imagine Willa in some trooper armor wielding a set of katanas.