And didn't that thought have my cock insisting I jump over the fence and... and nothing. My cock and I were acting like I was a teenager who couldn't control his hormones. I was a grown-ass man with a job and responsibilities.

I marched back into the house and smacked Flynn on the side of the head as I walked past him sitting on the couch. “You're evil.”

“Did you ask her out?” He bobbed his chin at me. “At least tell me you got her number.”

I ignored him, walked into the laundry room off the kitchen to grab some boxers out of the dryer, and then returned to pour my own bowl of cereal. What was left of it anyway. Dammit. I was going to have to go grocery shopping. Again. This had to be how Dad felt whenever we inhaled all the food in the house.

“What are you doing here anyway?” I plopped down onto the other end of the couch. “Don't you have a game today?”

“Yeah. Why do you think I'm carb-loading?” He gave me a shit-eating grin. “You should bring your new girlfriend.”

I knew this game just as well as any other Fun Times with Flynn. He wanted me to say she wasn't my girlfriend so he could tease me mercilessly. But this wasn't high school and I was smarter than he was. “Sorry, no can do. We're having coffee later.”

That wasn't exactly a lie.

“Hells to the yeah, bro. I knew I set you up to score. You can thank me later.” He gulped the last of his cereal and milk and left his bowl and spoon perched precariously on the arm of the couch. “Be sure to leave a sock on the door so we know not to come barging in later tonight.”

“I'm locking all my doors and you're no longer welcome in my house.” Which was a lie. We had a live stream on our gaming channel later tonight with Gryffen and Isak. Besides, he had set me up so I had to talk to her. He might be an asshole, but he really did use his powers for good.

The question now was how I was going to capitalize on the one time I had successfully flirted with a girl. I guess I really should go over to the café her family owned for that cup of coffee. Not that I was a big coffee drinker or anything. And she hadn't said she was working there today.

Shit. I was already fucking this up and I hadn't even properly asked her out yet. Lord, help me.

No. Wait. Love Guru help me. This was Everett's area of expertise, and if anyone could coach me through how to romance a woman like Willa, it was him.

I finished my cereal, did the damn dishes myself, got ready, and jogged on over to Everett's, which was just a few doors down from me. For once there wasn't some little sports car in his driveway which was his personal version of a sock on the door. Interesting. It wasn't like Ev not to have a lady over on a Friday night.

He'd better not be sick or something. We needed him for the game on Sunday.

I jumped over the gate to his backyard, planning to slip in through his house's sliding glass door, just like Flynn had done to me. Although I planned to knock and announce myself. But I found Ev sitting on his lawn furniture, in a robe, drinking coffee, staring out at the clear autumn sky, listening to a Kelsey Best break up song on his phone.


“What're you doing, Ev?” I used a cautious and quiet voice because I wasn’t sure I'd ever seen my brother like this. He was downright melancholy and I was worried I knew why.

He grabbed for the phone, spilling half his coffee in the process, and turned the song off too quickly. “Sup, Hayes?”

I sat across from him, leaned in, and folded my hands. “I was here to ask you for advice, but you look like you could use some yourself. Look, if you've got a crush on Kels, none of us would blame you. I mean, Dec might pulverize you, but?—”

“Geez, no, kid. I don't have a crush on my brother's fiancée. I just like her music, okay? Everybody does, it's no big deal.” He took a sip of the remaining coffee, made a face at it like he just realized it was cold piss-water, and set it down on the wooden side table. “Now tell me what kind of advice you're here for.”

His smile was a little too forced, but Ev and I had gotten a lot closer since I joined the Mustangs this year. We spent a lot of time together, and I knew when he wasn't ready to talk about whatever was bothering him. I'd get it out of him eventually.

“So... there's this girl.”

“It's about fucking time, my man.” This time his smile was genuine. “I thought you were going to be a virgin forever.”

Oh shit. He knew? Did everyone in the family know? Probably. That's the kind of family we had. That explained why Flynn had been so excited when I said I had a coffee date. “Yeah, well, you weren't the only one.”

Not that I was thinking about having sex with Willa. I hadn't even asked her out yet.

Who was I kidding? I was definitely thinking about all the things I wanted to do with Willa. And next time, I hoped I wouldn't be the only one who was naked.



Holy Cheez-its, Hayes Kingman had certainly filled out. Not that he was ever small in the first place, but he had muscles where I didn't even know muscles existed. Not to mention the absolute monstrosity between his legs.