“What news did you get?”

“Remember the scavenger hunt?”

“You mean the thing you mentioned at least once every day at the conference?” Miles teased. “I think I recall it.”

“Yes, that one,” Emily replied. She rolled her eyes at his snarkiness.

“You win one of the prizes?” he asked.

“I won the grand prize!” she squealed.

“Em, that’s wonderful. What are you going to do with that many books?”

“Get some new bookshelves,” she said with a laugh and shrug. “I’m so stinking excited.”

“They couldn’t have chosen a more deserving person,” Miles said.

“Well, I don’t know if that’s true, but I’m still glad I’m the winner.”

“I’m glad for you as well. Just think of all the amazing books you can read to help you through some of these tough days.”

“Don’t remind me of the tough days,” Emily said with a laugh. “Work will be the death of me.”

“Hang in there. The day will pass and we’ll get through it together.”

“Can’t wait for the day when you can be there for me in person. I have to head back to work, but I appreciate you talking to me during lunch,” Emily said.

“Take a deep breath and tackle it one step at a time. I believe in you.”

Emily stared at the screen as it went blank, feeling like a piece of herself was missing. She squared her shoulders and put her phone away. Back to work, and back to that very full inbox. Sometimes she thought it was easier working for Jeff at the store than it was to be a secretary in the auto repair industry.

Two and a Half Weeks Post Conference

“You’re killing it at this new job,” Alleah said, leaning against Emily’s desk, her usual post. Alleah was a shameless gossip and couldn’t stand a moment without someone to talk to, or at least a captive audience. If Emily was an introvert, Alleah was the definition of an extrovert. Unfortunately, that meant Alleah was parked at Emily’s desk, the hub of the office and all happenings. Why Alleah didn’t apply for this job herself, was beyond her.

“Thanks,” Emily responded with a half-hearted smile, returning her attention to her computer screen. Her assignment this morning was to work out the staff schedules for next month, and she was knee-deep in Excel trying to figure out the whole process. She’d like to say she was tech savvy and this was easy work, but she’d be lying.

“Did you hear about Sabrina’s promotion to sales clerk? I’m so excited for her. She’s trying to start a family, so a promotion is just what she needs.”

Emily nodded her head and hemmed and hawed when appropriate as Alleah yammered on, sharing tidbits of information she’d picked up from work, home, and school. Emily had no doubt she’d be a great journalist once she was finished her degree, since she was getting all this practice.

“Alleah, we need you at scheduling, pronto,” Maxwell shouted from the other room.

Alleah jumped, her eyes widening. “Gotta dash,” she said, grabbing a stack of papers from the counter and hurrying into the other room. Emily’s shoulders slumped now that she was alone. She glanced at her phone on the corner of her desk and reached for it.

M: Hey Babe, just wanted to say I’ve been missing you a lot lately.

E: I’ve felt the same way. It’s tough being apart.

M: Yeah, it’s hitting me hard. I wish I could teleport to you right now.

E: If only teleportation were a thing! I’d have you here in a heartbeat.

M: Thinking about our time together at the conference is what keeps me going, but those memories also make the distance sting more.

E: I miss your touch, your wit, and your company. It’s not the same without you.

M: Virtual hugs for now. But seriously, I can’t wait until we’re in the same place again.