Life continued to flow back in the real world, except now Emily had a taste of what could be. She floated through the days, thoughts returning to Miles and the amazing weekend she’d experienced with him.
“Heading to work, dear?” Joel asked as Emily grabbed her purse on her way to the door.
“Yeah. Hopefully it’s a better setup than my last position,” Emily replied with a grimace.
“It will be a world better. Your last boss was a piece of work.”
“We’ll see.” She interviewed for this job two days ago, and they called to offer her the job that evening. Emily was surprised it happened so quickly, and started just as quickly, but she wouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth. This was her chance to get away from her asshole boss, Jeff. Nothing could be worse than that situation.
She pulled out her phone as she walked to the bus stop and smiled when she realized Miles had sent her a text.
M: Hey Little Muse! How’s your day going?
E: Hi babe! It’s been okay, heading to work now. Missing you a lot. How are you?
M: I feel the same way. I’ve been writing like crazy. I can’t wait till I finish this draft.
E: You’ve got this! Any plans for tonight?
M: Just dinner and watching the game. Mason’s going to stop by. I wish you were here to join me. What about you?
E: Sounds cozy! I’m starting my first day at a new job and it will be a long one, but I’ll be thinking of you.
M: You got this!
E: I hope so . . .
M: You’re smart and capable and will nail this.
E: Thanks! Missing you like crazy already.
M: Same here! Until then, sending you all my love through the screen.
E: I’m catching it on the other side!
Emily grinned all the way to work, not caring about the less-than-ideal bus ride she had to take to get there. As she approached the building she drew in a deep breath and held it a moment before letting it all out in one fell swoop.
“I got this,” she mumbled to herself then pushed the door open and stepped into the space. An auto shop secretary was so different from her previous job, but she was strong, smart, and capable. She would figure it out and she would be the best secretary they ever had.
Nine Days Post Conference
Emily grinned down at her phone and the tiny image of Miles on the screen. They tried to FaceTime daily, though they’d missed two days so far this week. She was on lunch break, and thankfully Miles’s schedule lined up with hers.
“How’s it going, My Little Muse?” Miles asked. His voice crackled over the phone.
“Work’s driving me crazy today,” Emily responded. “I’m so glad I can spend some time with you on my lunch break.”
“Want to talk about it?”
“My boss has been extra awful today. I’ve been assigned extra work and feel like I’m drowning in it. I don’t think I’ll ever clear my inbox,” Emily whined.
“I’m sorry. That sounds rough. Wish I could be there to give you a hug,” Miles said.
“I could really use one right now. It’s been so frustrating. It will probably get better. A new job is always tough, but adjusting is rough.”
“I get it. Remember, you’re doing your best and I’m proud of you. Anything I can do to help?”
“Your support means the world to me. Just needed to vent a bit. Thanks for listening,” Emily said. “Oh, but I got some great news today.”