“Wow, you look lovely,” Miles said.

“The perfect fake girlfriend,” Emily teased as she spun in a circle, the skirt swaying with the movement.

“Absolutely perfect,” Miles said. Emily was a vision in the shimmering purple gown with her hair a cascade of curls around her face. He had to bite back the urge to pull her in close and fist a handful of the locks before pulling her to him in a searing kiss.

“You look fantastic too,” Emily said.

“We make a striking pair,” Miles teased. “Are you ready to go?”

“With you by my side, absolutely.”

They made their way to the ballroom, joining other couples on the same journey.

Emily and Miles stepped through the arched entryway bordered in eucalyptus and twinkling lights. The room was dimly lit by wall sconces and lights that looked like icicles. A band was on stage at the front of the room, playing a bubbly medley. Around the room, couples were dancing or sitting at tables with champagne flutes and appetizers in hand.

“Would you like a drink?” Emily asked.

“I was hoping you’d dance with me first. Will you?” Miles whispered, stepping close enough for Emily to feel his heat.

She looked into those hazel eyes, captivated. A “no” was on the tip of her tongue, but something stopped her. Emily nodded and was rewarded with a brilliant smile that lit his eyes. She’d be a happy woman if she were the reason for that smile daily. Miles grasped her hand and led her to the dance floor.

“The key, my dear, is to stay relaxed and enjoy yourself,” Miles said. He grasped her hand and settled it on his shoulder, then placed his on her hip.

“How do I relax knowing I’m going to step on your feet and make a fool of myself in the process?” Emily asked with a quirked brow.

“You relax because we’re enjoying ourselves learning a new skill. You relax because it’s only you and me here. You relax because I have you and I won’t let you fall.”

“I’ll hold you to that,” Emily mumbled. She looked down at their feet, watching as Miles took a step and she hesitantly followed a step later. The hand around her waist tightened, preventing her from falling.

“Eyes on me, not on your feet,” Miles said and she obeyed. “We’re taking steps with the beat. One, two, three, four, and five, six, seven, eight.”

Emily mouthed the numbers, following Miles’s lead, staring into his eyes.

“Fantastic, as I knew you would be.” He squeezed Emily’s hand, lifted it above her head, and twirled her in a spin.

“I feel like I’m the princess in a Hallmark Christmas movie,” Emily said with a giggle. “Actually spinning!”

“You’re much better than any princess in a Hallmark movie.”

“I think you’re better than the generic male characters.”

“You don’t think I should change careers and start a Christmas tree farm?”

“Maybe Mason could fill that role. You need to own the small-town bookshop,” Emily teased.

“Only if you’re there to help me save then run it.”

“I could totally help you run a bookshop while writing poetry,” Emily agreed.

“Perfect. It’s a date,” Miles joked.

“We won’t have to fake-date after this conference is over,” Emily mused. “I think I’ve been a pretty good fake girlfriend.” She fluttered her lashes up at him.

“That’s why we’d have to transition from fake dating to real dating.”

“Very funny,” Emily said, rolling her eyes. She pulled away with the last note of the song. “We need champagne.” She started off the dance floor.

Miles followed, his long strides allowing him to easily catch her. “You’re very dismissive of me.”