“What’s the story behind your tattoos?” Emily asked as they started the journey.

Miles lifted his arm, showing the partial sleeve, usually hidden by long-sleeved shirts, “This is my book sleeve.” The sleeve was done in black and white, and made of a wide variety of features.

“What books or concepts did you incorporate into it?”

Miles pointed out features as he walked. “I have an open book that some magical figures are popping out of.” He pointed toward the base of his elbow. “Above the book I have my magical creatures section.” There was a dragon, a phoenix, and a mystical looking snake. “I have one of my favorite quotes.” Miles twisted his arm showing the swooping lettering. “I also have some of my favorite fantasy symbols.” Miles pointed to several tiny symbols littering his arm.

“What books inspired your tattoo?” Emily stared at Miles’s forearm, trying to take in all of the details. She’d seen him without a shirt a few times, but this was the first time she actually had a chance to analyze the tattoo she’d only caught glimpses of before.

“It’s mostly inspired by my favorite books,” Miles said. “I have some odes to The Wheel of Time and The Name of the Wind, as well as several others. I even have two tiny features for my own fantasy books.”

“I only have one tattoo.” Emily held out her wrist, where a tiny pink peony was inked.

“What made you decide on that?”

“May is my favorite month, and it’s peak peony season. May first is when Joel and Leo were able to officially adopt me, and I wanted a permanent reminder. Something I could look at to think about the good in my life.”

“It’s lovely,” Miles responded. He held their room door open for Emily and allowed her to step in before he followed behind her.

Once inside the room, she felt some of her joy diminish. The clock kept ticking and she was having the time of her life. Surely, they’d stay friends after this conference ended, wouldn’t they? Could they maybe have a bit more? She was afraid to hope for that.

Chapter 37

“How about you get ready, while I run and grab a dress for you for the dance tonight?”

“Oh, I wasn’t planning to attend the dance tonight,” Emily said. Her foot dragged along the ground as she scuffed it to and fro.

“You have to come to the dance,” Miles said. He stepped closer; Emily glanced up into his eyes, realizing he was close enough for her to see the golden flecks within them.

“I don’t have a dress,” she whispered.

Miles smirked, “I have that covered, darling.”

Her heart thumped in her chest. She opened her mouth and admitted, “I don’t actually know how to dance.”

“I’ll lead. You’re in good hands.”

“I’m going to step on your toes.”

“It would be my pleasure to have you step on my toes in the line of duty, teaching you to dance,” Miles promised. He brushed a loose curl from her cheek and tucked it behind her ear.

“I suppose I can come,” Emily conceded. She glanced down as she pulled away.

Miles reached out and grasped her wrist, tugging her back so she was against his chest. Emily’s heart skipped a beat as she felt his body against hers. She looked up into his eyes, wondering what thoughts were hiding in those swirling depths.

“Thanks, Emily. I’m glad you’re here with me,” he said. He pulled away and winked before he turned toward the door and left the room with Emily standing there alone.

She took a moment to calm herself before she headed into the bathroom and went through the routine of getting ready. While she was in the shower she heard a knock on the door. “Yes?”

“Can I place this dress in the bathroom for you? I’ll keep my eyes closed.”

Emily giggled. “Yes, that’s fine. Thank you.”

The door creaked open and she heard the crinkling of the dress bag as Miles placed it on the door hanger, followed by the door creaking closed. Emily finished in the shower then spent some time working on her makeup before turning to her wild mass of hair. She’d wear it down today even if it killed her.

She pulled the dress out of the bag and gasped at its opulence as she ran her hands over the fabric. The last dress had been amazing, but this one was out of this world.

Emily carefully stepped into it and stared at herself in the mirror, amazed. She drew in a final breath before entering their shared room.